5.6. Appeals and Grievances

Appeals related to academic progression may be brought only on the following grounds:

1. Procedural error

2. Error of fact

3. Evidence of bias

4. Failure of faculty or designated committees to adhere to published standards.

Letters of appeal must state clearly and precisely the basis for appeal and provide supporting evidence of infringement of the student's rights. Medical problems, personal issues, or other extenuating factors do not generally constitute grounds for appeal.

Appeals must be submitted to the Chair of the Student Development Committee (SDC). The Chair of SDC reviews available documentation and may seek additional information. The student may be invited to provide additional evidence or to be interviewed by SDC. A recommendation is made by majority vote of the members of SDC and final decisions lie with the Program Director.

Students who believe that the procedures, facts or policies have been misinterpreted or that the decision was made arbitrarily may, after receiving an unfavorable response from SDC, initiate a Student Grievance Procedure at the Institute level.