9.2.3. Student Progress within a Course and Course Remediation

It is the responsibility of course coordinators to track students' progress within their courses of record, to meet in a timely fashion with students who are not meeting course requirements, and to make appropriate referrals to the student's faculty advisor and/or the academic support counselor. Faculty advisors will also track their assigned students' progress using the program's master grade spreadsheet which is maintained and updated on a weekly basis by the Program Manager.  Additionally, students are encouraged to be proactive in seeking assistance if they find they are not performing well in a course. 

The course coordinator is required to notify any student at risk of failing a course. A Notification of Concern (NOC, Appendix C) will be issued to all students who earn a failing course grade, before submission of final grades to the registrar's office.  The student may petition the course coordinator for the opportunity to remediate the course. The petition must be submitted in writing within 3 academic days of receipt of the NOC.  Approval of the request to remediate and the requirements to complete the remediation is at the discretion of the course coordinator and must be approved by the Student Development Committee.  If approved, the student will receive an incomplete for that course until the remediation is satisfactorily completed, which must occur no later than the end of the semester following the course that was failed. The maximum grade a student can receive on a remediated course is a 77% (C+).  A student will be allowed to remediate no more than two courses during their time in the program. See section below (Course Failure policy) regarding consequences if a student does not successfully complete a course remediation or fails a third course.