14.4 Professional Behavior Actions

When professional behaviors do not meet acceptable standards, depending on the nature and severity of the problem and the setting within which it occurs, one or more of the following actions may be taken at the discretion of the faculty of the GC Program or the staff of the department:


14.4.1. Notification of Concern


A Notification of Concern is considered an “oral warning” as defined in the Institute catalog.  An NOC may be written by any faculty, staff, or administrator who witnesses inappropriate behavior.  Copies of the NOC will be sent to the student’s academic or ADE advisor, Program Director, and Registrar’s Office.  The student will also be referred to the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures (CAPP).


14.4.2. Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures


If inappropriate behaviors are identified through two or more Notifications of Concern, the student will be reviewed by the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures. The Committee may require remedial action, may place the student on probation, or may recommend dismissal to the program faculty for repeated or egregious professional behavior incidents.  Dismissal of a student for professional behavior issues will follow due process, including written notification and documentation of the infraction(s).


14.4.3. Institute Student Grievance Procedure


Students have the right to initiate grievance procedures for any disciplinary action, according to the processes delineated in the Student Grievance Procedure in the Institute Catalog. Further information on guidelines for conduct and procedures related to disciplinary action are delineated in the Institute catalog.