1.2.3 Transfer of Credits

Students matriculating into the IHP Post-Professional OTD Program may receive transfer credit, up to a maximum of six (6) credit hours from another doctoral program toward the IHP PP-OTD degree. These graduate credits will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and must not be utilized from a previously completed degree.  No transfer credit will be allowed for courses for which the student received a grade of less than a B.  For transfer credits to be allowed, they must have been acquired within 2 years prior to matriculating at the Institute.


Prior to matriculation at the Institute, students may request transfer credit using the following procedure: The student must complete a course replacement petition form.  Included in that form, the student must upload the following supporting materials: 1.) a course syllabus 2.) a sample completed course assignment, and 3.) a statement articulating the student rationale for how the transfer credits requested align with the IHP PP-OTD curriculum.  The PP-OTD Program Director, in consultation with the Chair of the OT Department, will review the submitted petition and determine if the course meets requirements for transfer credit. The Program Director notifies student of decision and notifies the Registrar of modifications to the Post-Professional OTD curriculum plan using the Registrar’s Petition for Course Replacement Form, located at https://www.mghihp.edu/academics/academic-resources-services/registrar