Procedure for Handling Incidents of Academic Dishonesty

  1. A faculty member (or other University employee) who has reason to believe that a student has violated the University’s Academic Honesty policy has an unequivocal obligation to confront the student for an explanation and resolution.
  2. The faculty member (or other University employee) shall arrange a private meeting (on-line, by telephone, or in person) within fourteen (14) business days of the occurrence of the alleged incident of academic dishonesty or within fourteen (14) business days of the date s/he learned of the incident to: (1) explain the allegation(s) of violation of the Academic Honesty policy; (2) present the reasons or evidence to support such allegations; and, (3) provide a copy of the University’s Academic Honesty policy. The desired outcome of this meeting shall be the identification of a mutually satisfactory remedy (see below) by which to correct the breach of the Academic Honesty policy. The outcome of this meeting becomes a part of the official record only at such time as (3), below, is activated. If the faculty member (or other University employee) and the student are unable to agree mutually on an available remedy (see below), either party may petition for a formal hearing procedure to resolve the matter.
  3. The petitioning party shall file a petition for Hearing on Academic Dishonesty (hereinafter petition) within ten (10) business days of the private meeting described, above. Said petition shall be filed with the Senior Academic Officer of the University. 
  4. The Senior Academic Officer or designee, after determining that the petition falls within the purview of this policy will, within ten (10) business days of receiving the petition, or such other time as may be mutually agreed among the parties, convene a hearing committee (hereinafter committee) which shall hear and decide the matter. The petitioner’s presence is required. An accused student shall have a right to appear at the hearing with or without an advocate. However, the absence of an advocate shall not abrogate the Committee’s responsibility to proceed and reach resolution.
  5. The Committee shall evaluate all available evidence and materials, including the direct personal statements of the parties in attendance, and others who have direct knowledge of the matters under review. The Committee shall then, in private session, decide upon the remedy (see below) to be applied. That decision shall be reported within five (5) business days to the Senior Academic Officer who shall inform both parties in writing of the decision and place a copy of said notification in the student’s file maintained by the Office of Admissions and Records.
  6. Either party shall have the right to file a written appeal of the committee's decision. Said appeal shall be received in the Senior Academic Officer’s office within ten (10) business days of the council’s decision.
  7. The Senior Academic Officer shall act on said appeal within ten (10) business days of receipt, using whatever means of fact-finding that may be available. All parties shall be notified of his/her decision. This action shall be the final administrative remedy available to resolve matters concerning academic dishonesty. Any remedy requiring further action by the President or Board of Trustees shall be carried out within a reasonable period of time.

It may be appropriate for the faculty member to have a witness present during the private meeting with the student.

The Hearing Committee shall be comprised of a hearing officer appointed by the Senior Academic Officer and two faculty members appointed by the Chair of the Faculty Senate. None of the above individuals may sit on the Committee if s/he is a party in the dispute.