Scope of Policy

This policy applies to all members of the University community - faculty, staff, and students – regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Members of the University community shall not engage in sexual misconduct or relationship violence against students. Persons who do so are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge for employees and dismissal for students.  The University also prohibits sexual misconduct by third parties.

This policy applies to all forms of sexual misconduct and relationship violence committed by or against a student when:

  • The conduct occurs on campus;
  • The conduct occurs off-campus in the context of University programs or activities, including but not limited to University sponsored internships, graduate/professional programs, or other University affiliated programs; and/or
  • The conduct occurs off-campus outside the context of a University program or activity but has continuing adverse effects on campus or in any University program or activity.

For the purposes of this policy, the Complainant is any person who submits a complaint or report of sexual misconduct or relationship violence or any other violation of this policy.  In many cases, the Complainant also will be the victim of the alleged sexual misconduct or relationship violence, but persons other than the alleged victim who are aware of acts of sexual misconduct or relationship violence are authorized to submit complaints or reports to the Title IX Coordinator.  When used in this policy, Complainant refers to both the person making the complaint or report and the victim. The services and supports to Complainants described in this policy are available to the victim, even if the victim is not the Complainant.  

The Respondent is any person who is accused of sexual misconduct or relationship violence, including a University student, employee or a third party.  Respondents who are University students are referred to as Responding Students. The University’s Student Conduct Process also refers to the student as the Responding Student.   

This policy also confirms NLU’s obligation to provide survivors of sexual violence with concise information, written in plain language, concerning the survivor’s rights and options, upon receiving a report of an alleged violation of this policy.  A copy of NLU’s student notification of rights and options can be obtained by contacting the Title IX Coordinator or on