Computer Science and Information Systems Minor

The Computer Science and Information Systems minor allows non-CSIS major students to enhance their degree through computing. This minor combines theory and practical application of information systems to real-world scenarios. Students gain the skills necessary to implement computing and information technology in their chosen field. Students will be better prepared to work with computer science and information systems professionals. 

This minor is offered in fully online or blended formats. 

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

At the completion of the Computer Science and Information Systems minor, students will be able to:

  1. Identify, explain, analyze, and apply fundamental computer information systems concepts such as hardware, networking, software, programming, security, and data management.
  2. Use software tools and techniques such as application programming, web development, database development, information systems security development, and analysis techniques.
  3. Evaluate and suggest improvements to the security of information technology in an organization.
  4. Explain and analyze the role of computer science and information systems in diverse, globally distributed work-teams and organizations.
  5. Devise and plan the delivery of strategic, innovative technological solutions for organizational challenges.
  6. Use best practices and tools for own career advancement and in mentoring others.

Minor Details:

  • Requires 30 QH for completion
  • 15 QH must be completed at NLU
  • Requires a minimum grade of "C" for each course in the minor
  • MIS 103 or MIS 436 is required as the minor pre-requisite 

Note: The same courses may not be used to satisfy the minor and program major requirements. 

Required Courses

Computer Science and Information Systems Minor

Students choose six courses from the list below:
CSS 200Introduction to Information Systems


CSS 205Operating Systems


CSS 210Introduction to Networking and Information Security


CSS 215Introductionto Systems Analysis


CSS 220Discrete Structures


CSS 225Introduction to Applied Programming


CSS 300Data Analysis


MIS 433Developing and Managing Databases


Note: Other upper level CSS/ MIS courses may be accepted at the Program Chair's discretion.