Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Violence Policy

National Louis University is committed to maintaining a learning environment for all students that supports educational advancement on the basis of academic performance. Sexual misconduct and relationship violence are not tolerated at National Louis University.

The University will respond to complaints, reports or information about incidents of sexual misconduct and relationship violence by stopping the prohibited conduct, eliminating hostile environments, taking steps to prevent the recurrence of prohibited conduct, and addressing its effects on campus or in any University programs and activities.

The purpose of this policy is to define prohibited conduct and describe the process for reporting violations of the policy, investigating alleged violations of policy, and identifying resources available to students who are involved in an incident of sexual misconduct or relationship violence.

Scope of Policy

This policy also confirms NLU’s obligation to provide involved parties with concise information, written in plain language, concerning rights and options upon receiving a report of an alleged violation of this policy. A copy of NLU’s University’s notification of rights and options can be obtained by contacting the Title IX Coordinator or on

This policy applies to all members of the University community - faculty, staff, and students – regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Members of the University community shall not engage in sexual misconduct or relationship violence. Persons who do so are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge for employees and dismissal for students. The University also prohibits sexual misconduct by third parties.

This policy applies to all forms of sexual misconduct and relationship violence committed by or against any member of the campus community when:

  • The conduct occurs on campus;
  • The conduct occurs off-campus in the context of University programs or activities, including but not limited to, graduate/professional programs, University- affiliated programs or events; and/or University housing.

Sex Discrimination

Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination at institutions of higher education. The University prohibits gender discrimination in any of its programs or activities. Sexual harassment, sexual assault and other kinds of sexual violence, are forms of sex discrimination. This policy and its related procedures apply to complaints alleging all forms of sex discrimination (including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual violence). For the purposes of this policy, references to sexual misconduct include sexual and gender-based harassment, assault, and violence, including relationship violence.

Faculty and Staff Reporting Obligations

If any member of the NLU faculty or staff learns of sexual misconduct prohibited by this policy, they are obligated to immediately report that information to the Title IX Coordinator. Employees who receive information about sexual misconduct in a confidential relationship as defined in this policy, including Confidential Advisors and employees authorized to receive confidential disclosures, are not subject to this reporting obligation.