Fundamentals of Design Thinking, Graduate Certificate

The Fundamentals of Design Thinking Certificate is a post-baccalaureate certificate designed for individuals who desire to enhance their creativity through an introduction to the design thinking process and learn how to implement and apply a human-centered approach to innovation. The certificate is also a potential feeder into the M.S. Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship program as all three graduate courses in the certificate can be accepted for credit into this program. 

Certificate Learning Objectives

At the completion of the Fundamentals of Design Thinking Certificate, students will be able to:

PLO-1 Framing. Students will demonstrate the ability to compose alternative ways of interpreting situations in accordance with different perspectives to create consumer value.
PLO-2 Analogical Reasoning. Students will demonstrate the ability to assess domain comparisons to transfer solutions from one domain to another and create new business opportunities.
PLO-3 Abduction. Students will demonstrate the ability to identify and analyze hypotheses to explain observations and formulate recommendations for action.
PLO-4 Mental Simulation. Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze predictions of outcomes and determine impact on business issues and new opportunities.

Program Details:

  • Requires 9 SH for completion
  • A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required
  • Students who earn a grade below a “C” in any course are required to retake the course. It is recommended that the course be retaken as soon as possible, due to the continued negative impact on the student’s GPA until a new grade has been received for the course
  • A limit of one course may be transferred

Required Courses

Fundamentals of Design Thinking

DTE 501Innovation through Empathy


DTE 502Ideation and Communication


DTE 503Prototyping and User Testing