Student Organization Guidelines

Pensacola State College recognizes student organizations that exist to promote the social and educational well-being of their members. Recognition for an on-campus organization by the College is granted and maintained, provided the organization demonstrates continued acceptable social behavior and sound fiscal management. The College delegates to the Student Leadership and Activities office the authority to approve, censure, or deny privileges to campus organizations. Such authority, however, is subject to review by the Vice President, Student Affairs. Organizations seeking affiliation with other organizations outside the jurisdiction of Pensacola State College must first have the approval of the Vice President, Student Affairs, or his or her designee. The Student Leadership and Activities Office is available to organizations for counsel and assistance on all campuses. Responsibility for the standing of an organization rests solely on its members. All student organizations’ regulations and the provisions of student organizations’ constitutions must be consistent with the policies of the District Board of Trustees, as well as national, state, and county laws.

Student Membership

Membership is open to any student who meets one of the following:

  1. A current cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher at Pensacola State College.
  2. A cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher from the previous college or university (if a new transfer student).
  3. Any first time college student entering from high school will have a one semester grace period to earn a college GPA.

Obtaining Campus Charters

To obtain a campus charter, representatives of a student organization must first consult with the campus Student Leadership and Activities office. Students on the Century or South Santa Rosa centers should contact the Student Leadership and Activities office on the Pensacola campus.  The students must also provide the following:

  1. Statement of purpose.
  2. A proposed constitution.
  3. Bylaws incorporating the College’s anti-hazing policy (see anti-hazing policy in this College Catalog).
  4. Name of advisor(s), approved by the supervisor.
  5. List of prospective members who must be Pensacola State College students.

The advisor will then present the charter request to the respective campus Student Leadership & Activities office. The charter and the proposed constitution will be forwarded to the Vice President of Student Affairs, or his or her designee, for review and approval.

Common Responsibilities

  1. Secure one or more approved advisors who either attend meetings or approve the meeting’s agenda in advance. An advisor should be present at all meetings held after 5 p.m. An advisor may be any individual employed at Pensacola State College as an instructor, administrator, or career service employee. Student Leadership and Activities Manuals are available for all advisors in the Student Leadership and Activities Office.
  2. Accept all responsibility for organizational financial matters of the individual organization. No action on the part of any organization, collectively or by individual members, shall incur any indebtedness to Pensacola State College.
  3. Furnish to the Student Leadership and Activities office a complete list of officers and members. Also, within two weeks from the beginning of the spring and fall terms, furnish the times and places of meetings as well as the name(s) of the advisor(s). Any changes in the organization’s constitution or purpose must be placed on file in the Student Leadership and Activities Office.
  4. Limit membership to current Pensacola State College students maintaining a minimum 2.0 semester grade point average. Students joining a club or organization directly from high school will be given a one semester grace period to establish college GPA.
  5. Drop any member who fails to maintain the required 2.0 semester GPA.
  6. Furnish a report of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of officers for the coming year along with a list of major activities engaged in during the previous year. This report is to be filed in the Student Leadership and Activities Office three weeks prior to the end of the spring term.
  7. Refrain from any type of hazing. See Anti-Hazing Policy.
  8. Submit a detailed outline of any activity to the appropriate campus Student Leadership and Activities coordinator no later than two weeks in advance of the event or activity. Each activity is to be approved by the Student Leadership and Activities coordinator, the club sponsor, and the department head with oversight of the facility being used (if held on campus). The Student Leadership and Activities coordinator will meet with the sponsoring organization to discuss the proposed plans and assist with ideas or suggestions to help insure the success of the activity. Activity forms are available in the Student Leadership and Activities Office.
  9. Complete and return a re-chartering request to the Student Leadership Activities Office each term.
  10. All funded clubs must present one campus-wide event each fall and spring term and meet all other obligations set forth by the Student Leadership and Activities Office.


Organizations failing to fulfill the above responsibilities are subject to the following penalties:

  1. Forfeiture of social privileges;
  2. Forfeiture of representation in student publications;
  3. Forfeiture of representation in intramural or other competitive campus activities;
  4. Forfeiture of campus charter;
  5. Suspension of campus charter;
  6. Suspension of members’ right to participate in other campus activities or organizations;
  7. Trial of officers or members suspected of violating the Pensacola State College Honor Code; and
  8. Any penalty as set forth in the College statement on student rights and responsibilities. Penalties may be prescribed for organizations by the Vice President of Student Affairs for infractions of a minor nature in accordance with procedures outlined in the College statement on student rights and responsibilities.

Organization Activities

Registered social functions may be held on the campus or at a place approved in advance by the Student Leadership and Activities Office. Any request for approval of a location should be submitted one week prior to the planned date of the activity.

Approved social activities of student organizations must be registered in the Student Leadership and Activities Office. Registration of the activity is completed by filling out an activity form available in the office. If a club or organization enters into a contractual agreement with any group that will be using Pensacola State College facilities, a copy of the contract must be filed in the Student Leadership and Activities Office and reviewed before approval will be given to the activity.

Guest speakers on campus must also be approved by the College. Completed applications for approval must be submitted to the Student Leadership Activities Office at least 10 calendar days prior to the date of the proposed speaking engagement.

All registered social functions, either on or off campus, are required to have chaperones in attendance. The chaperones may be an advisor and spouse, or any couple, one of whom is employed by the College as an instructor, an administrator, or a member of the professional staff. Only employees of the College may receive student activity per diem expenses. Chaperones shall exact appropriate conduct from attending students and shall affect proper regard for College regulations at social functions. Instructions for chaperones, outlining their responsibilities, are available in the Student Leadership and Activities Offices.
