Career and Technical Education (CTE) Student Resources

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Student Resources provides free services to the student enrolled in qualifying Associate in Science and vocational certificate (clock hour) programs.  Free career assessments are also available in the CTE office to the student who is unsure of his or her academic plans.

Services are contingent upon individual needs, personal eligibility criteria, and available resources. The eligible student must meet one or more of the following criteria.

  1. The student is an economically disadvantaged single parent.
  2. The student is receiving training for a career that is nontraditional for his or her gender.
  3. The student is disabled.
  4. The student is a displaced homemaker.
  5. The student has limited English proficiency.

The student who meets additional eligibility requirements may be considered for additional services which may include use of required textbooks, scholarships, mentoring, and support services.

Each interested student seeking more information is encouraged to visit the CTE website at, contact the office at 850-484-2163, or e-mail at
