Art 292 Introduction to Sculpture II

The second of a two-term sequence course that provides an introduction to basic materials, techniques, and concepts fundamental to making sculpture. Students gain command of specific sculptural processes and materials while engaging in concept-generated assignments. Lectures and readings expose students to basic theory and the work of modern and contemporary sculptors. Builds upon the knowledge learned in Art 291 and continues in introducing fundamental methods in which to make sculptural forms. Students are introduced to oxy-acetylene welding, basic fabrication techniques, and metal shop safety as well as at least two of the following other processes: carving, body casting, fibers, soldering, and/ or working with reclaimed materials. In addition to the materials and processes demonstrated, a mixed-media approach is encouraged in all projects. Students at this level also begin experimentation with a range of alternative materials and process that support current practices in contemporary art. Expected preparation: Art 117 (Required for art and art history majors and recommended for non-majors.) When restricted, this course is open to non-majors with instructor's consent or departmental approval.
