Leave of absence

A student admitted to a graduate program and in good academic standing may petition for leave of absence for up to one calendar year. Leave of absence status assures the student a continuation of the student’s admission in the program during the period of the leave of absence. Application for leave of absence, endorsed by the department chair or program director, must be filed in the Office of Graduate Studies not later than the Friday of the second week of the term for which the leave of absence should take effect. A leave of absence will not be approved retroactively. A leave of absence is granted only to graduate students in good academic standing and does not constitute a waiver of the time limit for completion of the graduate degree at PSU, nor does it extend the regular one-year limit for completion of a course.

A student may petition for a second leave of absence from a graduate program, but approval is required from the department chair or program director and graduate committee of the college or school as well as the Office of Graduate Studies. Students who have not enrolled for three terms (excluding summer) must submit a Graduate Re-Enrollment Request.