Graduate Programs

The School of Art+Design offers a two-year in-residency study program or a three-year low-residency program leading to the Master of Fine Arts degree in Contemporary Art Practice. In-residency students choose an emphasis in either Studio Practice or Social Practice and low-residency students must select Social Practice. These 90-credit programs prepare the student to be a practicing artist within a regional, national, and international arts community.

The student will acquire a strong theoretical foundation in order to analyze and discuss their work and that of others as well as to place their work in a historical and socio-cultural context. In addition, the student cultivates work, process, and research habits required of the self-directed artist. The MFA in Contemporary Art Practice is a small, individualized program that offers the student great accessibility to the MFA faculty, providing constant assessment and direction.

Graduate admission requirements

Contemporary Art Practices M.F.A.

Art Education: Secondary Education Program

Contemporary Art Practices M.F.A.

Degree requirements

Working with designated faculty during the first year, students are encouraged to explore new media, models and ideas as they develop a proposal for creative activity that culminates with a graduate project in their final year of the program.

Students are admitted conditionally and must pass a midpoint candidacy review to gain regular admission to the university and continue work towards their degree. (Students in-residency receive a candidacy review at the end of their first year; low-residency students are reviewed at the end of their second year.) Individual faculty discussions, peer critiques, seminars in current issues/contemporary art history and lectures by nationally and internationally recognized visiting artists help students broaden their field of inquiry.

Students complete 90 credits, distributed in the following way:

  • 40 credits Contemporary Art Practice/Directed Studies
  • 12 credits Visiting Artist Program/Group Critique
  • 12 credits Contemporary Art History/Theory
  • 8 credits Electives (outside School of Art+Design)
  • 12 credits Graduate Seminars
  • 6 credits Exhibition Project/Statement

Upon successful completion of the candidacy review students work with a faculty adviser in their specified concentration to produce their graduate project. The project is presented in a public exhibition or other appropriate form in the spring quarter of the second or third year.