Undergraduate program

The Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) program is a 2+2 program. Students spend their first two years taking lower-division courses in math, science, and engineering.  At the end of their sophomore year, students apply for admission into the BSME upper-division program.  

Students admitted to the BSME upper-division program will be placed on one of two course plans for their junior year. These two course plans are the ME 313 First Course Plan and the ME 320 First Course Plan. These course plans are designed to maintain a healthy class size and help make sure that seats are available for newly admitted students. All juniors will complete the same courses, just in a different order, and still meet prerequisites. 

MECOP students are placed on the course plan that aligns with MECOP program requirements.

By following the assigned course plan, a student is able to complete the BSME in four years. As a reminder, the Department requires students to complete all highlighted classes with a grade of 'C' or better, prior to applying for admission into the upper-division program.

The prerequisite map shows relationships between required courses in the BSME program. The General Education requirements are not shown.

Our BSME program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, 415 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201; telephone 410-347-7700. ABET is the national organization that sets standards for engineering education defined in terms of curricular content, quality of faculty, and adequacy of facilities. 

Degree Maps and Learning Outcomes

Program Objectives

Admission requirements

Mechanical Engineering B.S.

Honors Track

Bachelor's Plus Master's Pathway

Bachelor's + Master's Pathway

The Bachelor's + Master's Pathway Program allows currently admitted BSME students to get a head-start on their master's degree. Students admitted into the Pathway Program are able to take up to 16 credit hours of 500 level course work as an undergraduate, at an undergraduate tuition rate*, and apply the credits to both their undergraduate and graduate degrees. Admitted pathway students have the potential to start their graduate program with 16 credits already completed.

Students must apply by the end of their junior year, and if admitted, will automatically matriculate into an MME graduate program as long as they meet the Pathway continuation criteria. Students in the Pathway Program can pursue any of the MME master level graduate programs.

*Post-bac students will be charged graduate tuition rates per PSU policy.

Credit Application

Once a Pathway student is formally admitted into a graduate MME program, the Department will request the 500 level credits taken as an undergraduate to be applied to his or her master's degree. Only coursework with a grade of B, or higher, will be applied.

Admission Criteria

Students applying to the Pathway Program must meet the following criteria:

  • Admitted into the BSME Program

  • Completed 10 credit hours of 300 or 400 level upper division BSME coursework

  • Institutional GPA of 3.3 at time of application

  • Three letters of recommendation from faculty members (MME faculty members preferred)

  • Statement of purpose

Application Deadline

Students must apply by the end of the third term of their junior year. Applications need to be submitted by the end of finals week.

Continuation Criteria

Students must have an institutional GPA of 3.3 upon graduation from the BSME program to be fully admitted into the graduate program.