Graduate programs

The School of Public Health graduate programs are designed to prepare students for professional work in the fields of community health, health promotion, health management, and health policy in a wide variety of settings. Students may also complete a plan of study that prepares them to pursue a doctoral degree in a health-related area. 

The School of Public Health offers eight graduate degrees.

1. A Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) degree in Health Promotion.

2. A Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) degree in Health Management and Policy.

3. A Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) degree in Biostatistics

4. A Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) degree in Environmental Systems and Human Health

5. A Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) degree in Public Health Practice

6. A Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) degree in Epidemiology

7. A Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Biostatistics. 

8. A Master of Arts/Master of Science (M.A./M.S.) degree in Health Studies - Not Currently Admitting

Students with a wide variety of undergraduate degrees and professional experience are admitted to the School of Public Health.

Biostatistics M.P.H.

Environmental Systems and Human Health M.P.H.

Epidemiology M.P.H.

Health Management and Policy M.P.H.

Health Promotion M.P.H.

Public Health Practice M.P.H. online

Biostatistics M.S.

Health Studies M.A./M.S.

Biostatistics Courses

Community & Public Health Courses

Environmental Systems & Human Health Courses

Epidemiology Courses

Environmental Systems and Human Health MPH

The MPH in Environmental Systems & Human Health (ESHH) program offers ecosystem-based public health training for students who would like to investigate and remediate environmental impacts on human health. Believing that a healthy environment is a cornerstone of preventive medicine, the goal of the ESHH track is to produce graduates who will be able to analyze relationships between human activities, the environment, and human health. Areas of emphasis include environmental change and its effect on human health, environmental pathogens, environmental transport, fate and remediation of chemical contaminants, food web bioaccumulation, wastewater treatment, environmental risk assessment and toxicity testing, culturally competent risk communication, and social justice issues. Within the program special attention will be given to mediating and modifying the effects of environmental disruptions on the health of vulnerable populations in a culturally competent, ethical manner.

Program Competencies

Students graduating from this program will be able to:

  • Communicate the relationship between environmental systems and human health, particularly in response to a changing climate.

  • Analyze how environmental hazards (chemical, physical and biological) interact with natural and built systems, including the mechanisms of their adverse effects on humans.

  • Assess and interpret relevant literature in the area of public health and environmental hazards.

  • Evaluate the risk of environmental exposures to human populations through the incorporation of exposure, toxicological, and other relevant data into risk assessment methodology.

  • Discuss how federal and state regulatory programs, guidelines and authorities impact environmental and occupational health issues.

  • Apply ethical principles that govern the practice of environmental risk assessment, management, and communication.

  • Specify approaches for assessing, preventing and controlling environmental and occupational hazards that pose risks to human health and safety.

  • Integrate, synthesize and apply theory to practice in the context of a research study, policy consequences, or environmental exposure.

  • Explain the general mechanisms of toxicity in eliciting a human health effect in response to various environmental and occupational exposures.

Program Required Coursework

UNI 504Qualitative Methods for Health Professionals


ESHH 519Environmental Health in a Changing World


ESHH 529Environmental Toxicology & Risk Assessment


ESHH 521Principles of Occupational Health


HSMP 573Values and Ethics in Health


Total Credit Hours:16

Core Required Coursework

Bsta 525Introduction to Biostatistics


Epi 512Epidemiology I


ESHH 511Concepts of Environmental Health


HSMP 574Health Systems Organization


PHE 512Principles of Health Behavior I


Exam Certified in Public Health Examination


ESHH 502Integrative Experience and Paper


ESHH 509Practice Experience


Total Credit Hours:22

Elective Coursework

Electives commonly taken:
ESHH 512Global & Planetary Health Concepts


ESHH 530Environmental Health Chemistry


ESHH 532Ecological Public Health

CPH 515Geographic Information Systems for Public Health


Epi 513Epidemiology II


Epi 514Epidemiology III


PHE 511Foundations of Public Health


PHE 517Community Organizing


PHE 519Introduction to the Etiology of Disease


PHE 520Qualitative Research Design


PHE 521Quantitative Research Design and Analysis


PHE 540Mass Media and Health


ESM 552Environmental Regulation and Non-regulatory Approaches


ESM 570Methods for Informal Environmental Education


ESM 588Environmental Sustainability


Geog 588/USP 591Geographic Information Systems I: Introduction


Geog 592/USP 592Geographic Information Systems II: Advanced GIS


Psy 510Occupational Safety and Health


Psy 550Occupational Health Psychology


Psy 510Work and Well-Being


Total Credit Hours:22

Total Credit Hours: 60

For more information and instructions on how to apply visit the MPH in Environmental Systems & Human Health web page.