2019-2020 Catalog

Project ExCEL (Excellence in College for English Learners)

Project ExCEL is an academic initiative at Rhode Island College aiming to expand college access for talented bilingual students. Because the process of acquisition of academic English for non-native speakers of English is complex and extends over several years, many highly capable, literate and academically talented advanced bilinguals often do not have all the mainstream English courses required for admission to a four-year college or university. In close partnership with high school and other counselors, Project ExCEL at Rhode Island College enrolls bright, accomplished bilinguals with established success in academic subjects and provides them the opportunity to pursue a degree at the college.

Admissions requirements:

  • Successful completion of high school ESL courses.
  • 3 units of mathematics.
  • 2 units of laboratory science.
  • 2 units of social science.
  • 2 units of foreign language (may be waived if a student exhibits proficiency in multiple languages).
  • 5 additional units of diversified study.

Additional requirements:

  • Eligible candidates will generally rank in the top 10 percent of the graduating class or have a minimum GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Interview.
  • RIC ESL Placement Exam.
  • RIC Writing Placement Test.