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2022-2023 Catalog
2022-2023 Catalog
Narrative Courses
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Programs of Study
Academic Calendar 2022-2023
Bachelor of Professional Studies Academic Calendar 2022-2023
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Cancellation of Classes
General Information - Undergraduate
General Information - Graduate
Undergraduate and Graduate Certificate Programs
General Education
Bachelor of Professional Studies B.P.S.
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Feinstein School of Education and Human Development
School of Business
Zvart Onanian School of Nursing
School of Social Work
Course Descriptions - General Information
ACCT - Accounting
AFRI - Africana Studies
ASL - American Sign Language
ANTH - Anthropology
ARBC - Arabic
ART - Art
ARTE - Art Education
ARTM - Art Media
BPS - Bachelor of Professional Studies
BLBC - Bilingual Bicultural Education
BIOL - Biology
CTE - Career and Technical Education
CHEM - Chemistry
COLL - College Course
COMM - Communication
CTSC - Computed Tomography
CIS - Computer Information Systems
CSCI - Computer Science
CEP - Counseling and Educational Psychology
CURR - Curriculum
DANC - Dance
DMS - Diagnostic Medical Sonography
DIS - Disability Studies
ECED - Early Childhood Education
ECON - Economics
EDC - Education
EDP - Education Doctoral Program
LEAD - Educational Leadership
ELED - Elementary Education
ENGL - English
ESL - English as a Second Language
ENST - Environmental Studies
FILM - Film Studies
FIN - Finance
FYS - First Year Seminar
FYW - First Year Writing
FNED - Foundations of Education
FREN - French
GEND - Gender and Women's Studies
GED - General Education
GEOG - Geography
GRMN - German
GRTL - Gerontology
GLOB - Global Studies
GRK - Greek
HCA - Health Care Administration
HPE - Health and Physical Education
HSCI - Health Sciences
HIST - History
HONR - Honors
INST - Instructional Technology
INGO - International Non-Government Organizations Studies
ITAL - Italian
JPAN - Japanese
JSTD - Justice Studies
LATN - Latin
LAS - Latin American Studies
LIBS - Liberal Studies
MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MGT - Management
MKT - Marketing
MATH - Mathematics
MTET - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
MEDI - Medical Imaging
MEDT - Medical Technology
MLED - Middle Level Education
MSCI - Military Science
MLAN - Modern Languages
MUS - Music
MUSE - Music Education
NPST - Nonprofit Studies
NMT - Nuclear Medicine Technology
NURS - Nursing
PFA - Performing Arts
PHIL - Philosophy
PSCI - Physical Science
PHYS - Physics
POL - Political Science
PORT - Portuguese
PSYC - Psychology
PBAD - Public Administration
RAD Radiography
RADT - Radiologic Technology
READ - Reading
RIC - Rhode Island College
SED - Secondary Education
SSCI - Social Science
SWRK - Social Work
SOC - Sociology
SPAN - Spanish
SPED - Special Education
SUST - Sustainability Studies
TESL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
TECH - Technology Education
THTR - Theatre
VIR - Vascular Interventional Radiography
WLED - World Languages Education
YDEV - Youth Development
Glossary of Academic Terms
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Narrative Courses
AFRI 350 Special Topics in Africana Studies
AFRI 450 Special Topics in Africana Studies
ECED 580 Workshop:
ENGL 350 Topics Course in English
FILM 450 Topics in the Study of Film
GEND 350 Topics
HPE 450 Topics in Health Education
HPE 480 Workshop in Health Education
HPE 550 Topics in Health/Health Education
HPE 580 Workshops in Health/Health Education
MUSE 480 Workshop in Music Education
(Or both ECON 214 and ECON 215)
PSCI 250 Topic: Science as a Way of Knowing
SOC 450 Topics in Sociology
THTR 480 Workshop in Theatre
Electives: Two 400-500 Level Electives
24 credits in French (not including FREN 101 or FREN 102)
24 credits in Italian (not including ITAL 101 or ITAL 102)
24 credits in Portuguese (not including PORT 101 or PORT 102)
24 credits in Spanish (not including SPAN 101 or SPAN 102)
a 400-level Spanish or Portuguese course in Latin American literature As needed film, culture, etc.
A communication course
A course approved by advisor
ADDITIONAL COURSES in science at the graduate level
A MINIMUM OF TWO COURSES in studio art at the 400- or 500-level (minimally one course at the 500-level)
A modern languages course numbered 114 or above
AND ONE of the following:
and TWO ADDITIONAL COURSES in management at the 300-level or above
ANTH 325-327 Regional Studies in Cultural Anthropology
Any ONE ENGL literature course at the 200 or 300 level
A psychology course at the 300-level or above
ART 40X Studio III
ART 41X B.F.A. Studio III
ART 42X Studio IV
ART 43X B.F.A. Studio IV
ART 44X Studio V
ART 45X B.F.A. Studio V
CA Capstone Portfolio
CA Comprehensive Assessment
CA Comprehensive Assessment
CEP Elective
ONE COURSE that cannot be counted in your major
Cognates: TWO COURSES in Portuguese
Cognates: TWO COURSES in Spanish
computer science at the 300-level or above or COMM 348
COURSEWORK in research methods chosen with advisor's consent
Respiratory Therapist Licensure Transfer Credits
Dental Hygiene Licensure Transfer Credits
ECED 449 Early Childhood Community Program Internship
ELECTIVE ELECTIVE Chosen with advisor’s consent
FOUR ELECTIVE CREDITS selected from the list above.
ELECTIVE This course should be health-related or in health education. Some students may have to take an additional foundations of education course as this elective.
ELECTIVE Electives
ELECTIVE Electives (approved by advisor or chair)
ELECTIVE ONE COURSE in an aspect of nonprofit organizations or philanthropy
ELECTIVE Students will take two graduate-level elective courses in a related field. These two courses, together with the directed study (YDEV 590) will form the student’s customized concentration.
ENGL 250 Topics Course in Writing
FOUR ADDITIONAL COURSES in French at the 300-level
FOUR COURSES in Portuguese at the 300-level or above
GEOG 400 Regional Geography
HIST 550 (331) Topics in American History
HIST 550 (357) Topics in American History
JSTD 350 Topics in Justice Studies
Level II metalsmithing and jewelry or printmaking or sculpture by special arrangement and with consent of department chair
MUS 161–163 Large Ensembles (in one major ensemble)
MUS 161-163 Large Ensembles
MUS 161–163 Large Ensembles (in one major ensemble)
MUS 161-163 Large Ensembles (in one ensemble)
MUS 164-166 Chamber Ensembles
MUS 164-166 Chamber Ensembles
MUS 270-286 Applied Music
MUS 270–286 or 288–289 Applied Music (in one instrument)
MUS 370-388 Applied-Music (in one instrument)
MUS 561-563 Large Ensembles
MUS 564-566 Chamber Ensembles
MUS 570-589 Applied Music
Music courses at the 300- or 400-level
NINE CREDIT HOURS OF COURSES at the graduate level in accounting
NURS 301
Nursing Transfer Electives
One 400-level biology course, with consent of department chair
ONE ADDITIONAL COURSE in Portuguese at the 300-level or above
One additional course in U.S. History
ONE ADDITIONAL SOCIOLOGY COURSE (Connections courses do not count toward minor.)
ONE ADDITIONAL STUDIO COURSE at the 200- or 300-level
ONE COURSE from 200-300 level classes from the Global Studies Distribution courses of the chosen concentration
ONE COURSE from 300-400 level classes from the Global Studies Distribution courses of the chosen concentration
ONE COURSE at the 200- or 300-level in European history
ONE COURSE at the 200- or 300-level in the history of Africa, Asia, Latin America or Middle East
ONE COURSE chosen with advisor’s consent
ONE COURSE EACH from Categories A, B, and C
ONE COURSE in art history, art theory, aesthetics or other advisor-approved course related to art or visual communications at the 400- or 500-level
ONE COURSE in an aspect of nonprofit organizations or philanthropy
ONE COURSE in multicultural perspectives, chosen with advisor’s consent
ONE COURSE in research methods, chosen with advisor’s consent
ONE COURSE in sociology at the 200-level
ONE COURSE in studio art
ONE COURSE in the area of Math, Natural Science, History, Arts, Social/Behavioral Sciences or Literature
ONE ELECTIVE in an aspect of nonprofit organizations or philanthropy
ONE ELECTIVE of student interest
ONE other ENGL 200-level course
Or another 300 level course on a topic related to Global Economic Systems.
(or any other GLOB 35X course available.)
OR CHOOSE ONE from the following
CHOOSE ONE from the following:
Other elective approved by advisor
Specialization courses
SIX CREDIT HOURS OF COURSES at the graduate level appropriate to course of study
SIX CREDIT HOURS OF COURSES at the graduate level, chosen with consent
TWENTY-ONE CREDIT HOURS OF COURSES at the graduate level appropriate to career plans.
Studio II (one 200- or 300-level course)
Studio I (one 200-level course)
three 300- or 400-level English courses
THREE ADDITIONAL FOUR CREDIT COURSES in management at the 300-level or above
THREE COURSES approved by program advisor.
THREE COURSES chosen with advisor's consent
THREE CREDIT HOURS OF COURSES at the graduate level in computer information systems
THTR 450 Topics in Musical Theatre
TWELVE CREDIT HOURS OF COURSES from Art, communication, dance, English, film studies, health education, music, physical education, or psychology including ONE COURSE from the Arts—Visual and Performing category of General Education (excluding THTR 240) and ONE COURSE from the Social and Behavioral Sciences category of General Education.
TWELVE CREDIT HOURS OF COURSES chosen from approved areas
TWELVE CREDIT HOURS OF COURSES from Art, communication, dance, English, film studies, health and physical education, music and/or psychology.
TWO 200 level or above courses from BIOL, CHEM, HSCI, PHYS or PSCI
Two additional 400-500 level courses approved by the program director
THREE ADDITIONAL COURSES in computer information systems
TWO ADDITIONAL Courses in French at the 300-level or above
TWO ADDITIONAL COURSES in marketing at the 300-level or above.
TWO ADDITIONAL COURSES in Spanish at the 300-level or above
TWO COURSES chosen with advisor’s consent
TWO COURSES in another world language
TWO COURSES in art or art education
TWO COURSES in art studio, history, or theory at the 400- or 500-level
TWO COURSES in management at the 300-level or above
WRITTEN THESIS based on the research done in BIOL 691–696
XXX 350* Topics Course
XXX 350 Appropriate topics from different departments