Graduate Requirements for all Master's degree Programs in English

  • Both programs require a minimum of 30 graduate-level credit hours.
  • All students must receive a B or better in all graduate courses earned toward the degree. In order to enroll in ENGL 696/ENED 696 (Degree Project Completion), students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or B+.
  • All students must successfully complete a degree project: submission and oral defense of a thesis or action research thesis; a grade of "pass" or above on a comprehensive examination; submission of a critical essay to an approved professional publication in the field of English studies.
  • All students must submit a portfolio as part of their assignments in the program capstone course, ENGL 695 (Capstone in English Studies). Candidates for professional certification must complete at least one structured field experience, documentation of which must be included within the portfolio, and register for ENED 601 concurrently with ENED 554.
  • Students are assigned a faculty advisor at the time of their admission to the program and are encouraged to meet regularly with him/her. Students' progress will be reviewed after their first 13.5 hours of course work to determine eligibility for ongoing study. A mandatory advising session will provide feedback to students on their progress in the program and help to consolidate the student’s choice of degree project.
  • Students may, with the chairperson's approval, transfer up to 6 credit hours of graduate-level credit from another department or institution. Such credit will only be given for courses in which the student has earned a B or better; such courses may not be more than five years old, unless an extension is granted by the chair.
  • Some courses are variable content courses and may be taken more than once for credit; those that may not be taken more than once for credit include: ENGL 500, ENED 554, ENGL 690/ENED 690, ENGL 695, and ENGL 696/ENED 696.


A. All students/candidates are required to take the following core experiences:

ENGL 500Introduction to Graduate Studies in English


ENED 502Directed Study



ENGL 502Directed Study


One course from each "stream" category: Texts, Contexts, and Theories (see announced course offerings for topics)


ENED 690Advanced Research Seminar



ENGL 690Advanced Research Seminar


ENGL 695Capstone in English Studies


ENED 696Degree Project Completion



ENGL 696Degree Project Completion


One course from each "stream" category can include Texts, Contexts, and Theories (see announced course offerings for topics), and must be taken prior to ENGL 690/ENED 690 (for certification candidates, ENED 554 and ENED 665 may be included in these 9 credit hours).

ENGL 502 is 1.5 credit hours

Note: Check Banner for course description.

B-1. For candidates in the Master of Arts program in English: required coursework outlined in part A (see above) plus electives chosen in any combination from among the following to complete 30 credits:

Additional course from at least two of the three streams

Up to one additional directed study

Up to 3 credit hours of internship, ENGL 694


B-2. For candidates in the Master of Arts in English 7-12 program for professional certification: required core coursework outlined in part A (see above) plus additional credit hours as follows to complete 30 credits:

ENED 554Composition Theory and Practice

ENED 665Studies in English Education


Up to one additional directed study

Up to 3 credits of internship

An additional course from any of the three streams

ENED 554, and ENED 665: required as one of the stream courses