SPMG 300 Sport Law and Risk Management

The structure of the legal system, introduces the case study method, aspects of constitutional law, labor and anti-trust law, tort law, product liability, contract law, administrative and statutory law applicable to the sport industry. The course also covers establishing a risk management system for facilities and sports programs.



SPMG 211 or PHED 211

SPMG 305 Economics of Sport

Course covers the principles of macro and micro economics related to the sport industry on a regional and national level, supply and demand, growth of the sport industry, venues and events, economic impact of facilities manufacture and television on intercollegiate and professional sport.



ECON 201 and ECON 202

SPMG 328 Marketing and Public Relations in Sport

The course is designed to prepare students with the tools needed to develop effective marketing and public relations strategies for sports and athletic programs. A myriad of topics such as marketing, advertising, public relations theories, consumer behavior and practical applications will be explored. Emphasis will be on developing students?? written and verbal communication skills. The course content is in line with recommendations of the relevant professional associations regarding the marketing and public relations of sport management.



ECON 201 and ECON 202

SPMG 330 Leadership and Management in Sports

The course investigates the important aspects of leadership theory, management practices and human resource allocation for sports management. The course follows the guidelines of the North American Association for Sports Management. The guidelines mandate that students learn to define the elements of leadership theory and describe the various skills, roles and functions of sport managers as they relate to managerial responsibilities. Students will learn about the role of leadership, management and resource allocation for sport operations.



SPMG 210 or PHED 210

SPMG 398 Pre-Internship

The course is a prerequisite to PHED 400 Internship. The intent of the pre-internship is to increase a student's awareness of the critical aspects of preparing for an internship. The experiences are designed to give students an opportunity to begin career exploration, develop skills to make contacts in the Sport Management and Exercise Science profession, and apply what they learn to real world situations.