Pre-Medicine and Allied Areas

Health Professions Advising Program

Office: 221 Science Center

(716) 673-3282

Dr. Ted Lee, Coordinator



Fredonia graduates have enjoyed considerable success in gaining entry to medical, veterinary, osteopathic, optometry, dental and other professional health programs. The Health Professions Advising Committee closely advises and assists each pre-medical student and prepares a committee letter on his/her behalf. The complete credentials file is assembled by the Biology Department and submitted in a timely manner on behalf of each applicant.

While medical schools do not stipulate a particular major program of undergraduate study, they do require that students have minimum preparation in a number of areas including Biology, Chemistry, English, Psychology, and Physics. The Fredonia Biology major meets the requirements for American medical schools and many students choose it as the most appropriate undergraduate pre-med program. Pre-Health students may select any major at Fredonia. Students interested in careers in the health professions should register with the Health Professions Advising Program as freshmen to ensure appropriate advice and assistance (register at the Department of Biology Office in the Science Center, room 221).

The Health Professions Advising Committee at Fredonia advises students on course selection and extracurricular activities. The committee interviews sophomores to provide advice early in the academic program and when the students are preparing to apply to health professional schools. It is highly recommended that all pre-health students use the advising services of the Health Professions Advising Committee.

Students who are seriously considering a medical, veterinary or dental career should seek appropriate summer employment/internship opportunities early in their undergraduate experience. Fredonia students regularly intern at local practices and clinics.

The Health Professions Advising Office has books, DVDs and other resources on careers in medicine and the health professions that students can borrow.  The program offers a 1-credit professional development course (BIOL 275 Health Professions Careers) that is designed to assist students in preparing for the application process and beyond.  Students take this course in the fall semester of their sophomore or junior years.  The Pre-Health Professions Club invites guest speakers to campus to talk about careers in the health professions, has on-campus meetings and activities, and sponsors local volunteering events. 

Early Assurance program with SUNY Upstate Medical University College of Medicine

Fredonia has an articulation agreement with SUNY Upstate Medical University for students from rural communities.  Accepted students will earn their undergraduate degree from Fredonia and then enroll in Upstate’s Rural Medical Scholars Program.  Applicants must be high school seniors with a strong academic record who have a demonstrated commitment to community service.  Admission into the program is competitive and dependent on a number of factors in addition to the usual admission policies at Fredonia.  Students who meet the academic requirements are interviewed by Fredonia and Upstate Medical University, and Upstate makes the final decisions on who is accepted into the program.  Students interested in this program should contact either the Department of Biology or the Admissions Office for further details.

Early Acceptance program with the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM)

Fredonia has an affiliation agreement with LECOM that allows students to earn a baccalaureate degree from Fredonia and a doctoral degree in osteopathic medicine. There are 2 tracks to the program; a 4+4 track where students complete their undergraduate degree at Fredonia before matriculating to LECOM and a 3+4 track where students complete 3 years at Fredonia and 4 years at LECOM. Students in the 3+4 track earn the baccalaureate degree from Fredonia upon completion of 30 credit hours at LECOM. Admission to the program is competitive and dependent on a number of factors in addition to the usual admission policies at Fredonia. Students may apply as high school seniors or as Fredonia undergraduates. Students interested in this program should contact either the Department of Biology or the Admissions Office for further details.

There is also an affiliation agreement with LECOM’s Pharmacy School.  There are both 3+4 and 4+4 tracks for this program. Students may apply as high school seniors or as Fredonia undergraduates. Students interested in this program should contact either the Department of Biology or the Admissions Office for further details.

Combined Degree Program with University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine

The Combined Degree Program is a seven-year dentistry program developed between the State University of New York at Fredonia and the State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Dental Medicine. This program allows participating students the opportunity to receive a baccalaureate degree in either Biology or Chemistry and a doctoral degree in dentistry. The first three years of the program are completed at Fredonia and the last four years are completed at SUNY at Buffalo, School of Dental Medicine. Admission into the program is competitive and dependent on a number of factors in addition to the usual admission policies at Fredonia. Students interested in this program should contact either the Department of Biology or the Admissions Office for further details.

Combined Degree Program with SUNY College of Optometry

This Combined Degree (3/4) Program is a seven-year program developed between the State University of New York at Fredonia and the State University of New York State College of Optometry. This program allows participating students the opportunity to receive a baccalaureate (B.S.) degree in Biology and a Doctor of Optometry (O.D.) degree in optometry. The first three years of the program are completed at Fredonia and the last four years are completed at SUNY College of Optometry. Admission is competitive and requirements are in addition to the usual admission policies at Fredonia. Accepted students are admitted into Fredonia's Biology major and simultaneously admitted to candidacy to the SUNY College of Optometry's professional program of study. Students interested in this program should contact either the Department of Biology or the Admissions Office for further details.

Combined Degree Program with the University of Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

The Combined Degree Program is a seven-year program developed between the State University of New York at Fredonia and the State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.  This program allows participating students the opportunity to receive a baccalaureate degree in either Biology or Biochemistry and a doctoral degree in pharmacy.  The first three years of the program are completed at Fredonia and the last four years are completed at SUNY at Buffalo, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.  Students apply to this program in their junior year at Fredonia and need to have completed the prerequisite courses for the Pharmacy program at Buffalo with a 3.5 GPA for all courses.  Students interested in this program should contact either the Department of Biology or the Admissions Office for further details.