Academic Bankruptcy

Who is this for?

  • For the student who normally maintains satisfactory academic standards, but whose grades suffer for one semester due to unusual or unfortunate circumstances.

What does it do?

  • If the application to bankrupt a semester is approved, the student’s grades for that semester will be excluded when calculating the student’s GPA, but the student will receive credit only for those courses in which the student earned a grade of C- or above (including S grades).

When do students apply?

  • To apply for this option, the student must be in good academic standing (excluding the semester for which bankruptcy is sought) and must have re-established the pattern of satisfactory academic progress that existed prior to the semester for which bankruptcy is sought.

This policy may be applied only to one semester of work completed at the university.

The application form to apply for academic bankruptcy is available on the Registrar's web page, under "Academic Policies."