Science Learning Master of Science

Office: Science Center 221E
(716) 673-3285
Holly Jon Lawson, Program Coordinator

Program Purpose

This master of science program is intended for those who are interested in education but who do not seek New York State certification. The curriculum includes education, literacy, science education and science content courses in the areas of biology, chemistry, geology, and physics. Candidates for this program include professionals interested in teaching at informal settings, international students who intend to teach outside of the United States, and other professionals interested in gaining the skills associated with teaching and learning.

Department Requirements for Admission to the Program without Deficiencies

  • An undergraduate major in biology, chemistry, earth science, physics, or related science with requisite evidence of training and motivation necessary to succeed in graduate study.
  • Appropriate supporting math and cognate science courses.

  • Minimum GPA 3.0

Program Requirements (30 credit hours):

Foundations of Education:

EDU 502Psychology of Adolescence


EDU 508Teaching Exceptional Learners in Inclusive Settings


One course from the following: EDU 5XX-6XX (upon advisement)


Total Credit Hours:9

Science Methods:

SCED 560Foundations of Teaching Science to Adolescent Learners


SCED 660Developing Expertise in Science Teaching


Total Credit Hours:6

Capstone Project:

SCED 690Graduate Research Project in Science Learning


Total Credit Hours:3

Students will engage in an independent capstone project with advisement from the student's graduate committee (faculty from science and science education). Projects could be:

  • Research papers on areas such as comparative curriculum, comparative instruction or comparative teacher practice.
  • Comprehensive literature reviews on specific pedagogies, problem areas or interventions.
  • Self-studies of practice as teaching assistants in science courses on campus.

All projects will be written up using a basic thesis format and the project will be presented to the student's graduate committee upon completion of the study.


EDU 528Technology in the Schools


EDU 633Literacy in the Content Areas


Total Credit Hours:6

Science Content Courses:

Science Content Electives


Total Credit Hours:6


  • Courses to be selected from offerings in Biology, Chemistry, Geoscience, Physics, Science or Science Education upon advisement.

Total Credit Hours: 30