EDUC - Education

EDUC 1111 Education Orientation

The course offers an overview of the teacher certification program. The course is designed to introduce the student to the education profession. Placement in three different education levels, EC-4, 4-8, and 8-12, for the purpose of exploring the school setting. Requires a 21-hour field experience with 7 hours observation in each level.


EDUC 2311 Classroom Technology

Designed specifically for education majors, this course is an introduction to educational technology used in contemporary schools, with an emphasis on computers. The course examines computer hardware, software, and other current technology used for planning, organizing, and delivering instruction based upon the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Students will receive practical, hands-on experience in designing learner activities and increasing teacher productivity. Lab fee.


EDUC 3313 Ed Theories of Child Dev

This course focuses on the development of human beings from birth to age twelve, with respect to physical, emotional, cognitive, language, social, moral, and ethical development. Major theories of child development are considered. Learners are introduced ot the aspects of developmental appropriateness.


EDUC 3315 Students and Learning- Secondary/Al

This course is anintroduction to the teaching profession. The content is organized around the following clusters: philosophy of education, structure of educatin in Texxas, Code of Ethics and legal issues, family/school partnerships andprofessionalism. Also included is an overview of general teaching methods, working with diverse learners, and the assessment system in Texas. The course emphasizes how teachers functions as members of the professional community. Field experience is required.


EDUC 3316 Survey/Spec Pops - Sec

This course surveys various student populations in schools and varied educational needs with emphasis on diversity and the influence of culture on behavior and learning. Terminology, characteristics, educational procedures, informal assessment, and requirements under federal, state, and local guidelines are addressed, as well as multiculturalism, technology, and professional collaboration related to diversity. This course may be taught with EDUC 3322.


EDUC 3317 Curr Design Secondary/All Level

This field-based course focuses on general principles of curriculum development and assessment (including the state assessment system), with emphasis on planning, writing, and implementing effective lessons and units of study in alignment with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). The course explored effective research-based instructional strategies, including modifications, extensions, accommodations, and interventions for special students groups as well as a variety of approaches to formative and summative assessment. Field experience is required.


EDUC 3320 Students and Learning- Elem/Middle/

This course is an introduction to the tachign profession. The content is organized arund the following clusters: philosophy of education, structure of education in Texas, Code of Ethics, and legal issues, family/school partnerships and professionalism. Also included is an overview of general teaching methods, working with diverse learners, and the assessment system in Texas. The course emphasizes how teachers functions a members of the professional community.


EDUC 3322 Survey/Diverse Populations

A survey course about the many different populations of students (gifted and talented, physically handicapped, auditorily handicaped, visually handicapped, mentally retarded, emotionally distrubed, learning disabled, speech handicapped, autistic, and multi-handicapped) in schools - and their educational needs with emphasis on diversity and the influence of culture on behavior and learning. Emphasis on definitions, characteristics, educational procedures, informal assessment, and requirements under federal, state, and local guidelines are elaborated upon. Additional components dealing with multiculturalism, instructional modifications, and reading to include treatment of reading methods is covered. This course may be taught with EDUC 3316.


EDUC 3324 Classroom Management

This course includes classrooms and behavior management techniques as well as approaches to encouraging parent involvement and partnerships in education. Emphasis is given to guidelines for working with various students populations in schools along with a focus on characteristics of diverse students populations, procedures for managing diverse classrooms, motivational strategies, and requirements regarding special populations. Preventive, supportive, and corrective behavior management techniques are explored. (For secondary sections, field experience is required).


EDUC 3328 Curr/Design Elem/Middle/All-Level

This field-based course focuses on general principles of curriculum development and assessment ( incljding the state assessment system), with emphasis on planning, writing, and implementing effective lessons and units of study in alignment with the Texaas essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). The course explored effective research-based instructional strategies, including modifications, extensions, accommodations, and interventions for special student groups as well as a variety of approaches to formative and summative assessment. Field experience is required


EDUC 3330 Social Studies Strategies

Designed specifically for education majors for grades EC-6 and 4-8, this field-based course will give the student the knowledge and skills needed for planning, organizing and effectively delivering instruction based upon the Social Studies TEKS. Social studies content areas emphasized are history, geography, economics, government, citizenship and culture. Students are to develop an understanding of the social and environmental consequences of scientific discovery and technological innovation. Students are expected to design and participate in learning activities both in the field and in the UMHB classroom.


EDUC 4150 Certification Preparation Seminar

This course is designed to review the TExES c ompetencies for the PPR test 130 or 160. The sessions will emphasize test taking strategi es, study skills and will utilize large and s mall group interaction along with think pair share techniques. NOTE: This seminar is requ ired of all secondary, 8-12, all-level(P.E., music, and are), and post-baccalaureate certi fication candidates.


EDUC 4190 Independent Study

A course designed for junior and senior level students. The course will consist of a wide variety of topics based on the specific need s or aspirations of the individual students. The course may be repeated for credit. Inde pendent learning is designed to provide an op portunity to develop proficiency in specific areas under the direct supervision of the pro fessor. Prerequisite: Permission of the dep artment chairperson.


EDUC 4250 Cert Preparation Seminar

This course is designed to review the TExES c ompetencies for EC-4 , 4-8 certification area s in reading/English language, arts, math, sc ience, social studies, fine arts, health and fitness, and professional development. Empha sis is on pre-assessment, test-taking, strate gies, study skills and strategies. Methods i nclude large group, small group, pair-share l earning, thinking aloud, and modeling.


EDUC 4290 Independent Study

A course designed for junior and senior level students. The course will consist of a wide variety of topics based on the specific need s or aspirations of the individual students. This course may be repeated for credit. Ind ependent learning is designed to provide an o pportunity to develop proficiency in specific areas under the direct supervision of the pr ofessor. Prerequisite: Permission of the de partment chairperson.


EDUC 4306 Student Teaching - Elementary

Student teaching will consist of observation and teaching experiences for a semester. Con ferences are arranged with the instructor. T ransportation to and from the teaching assign ment is the responsibility of the student. L ab fee.


EDUC 4318 Stu Teaching in Grades 8-12

Student teaching will consist of observation and teaching experiences for a semester. Con ferences are arranged with the instructor. T ransportation to and from the teaching assign ment is the responsibility of the student. L ab fee.


EDUC 4319 Stu Teaching - Secondary

Secondary student teaching requires a minimum of ten (10) weeks of full days with experien ce in each of two teaching fields for which c ertification is sought. Group and individual conferences are scheduled with the instructo r. Transportation to and from student teachi ng assignments is the responsibility of the s tudent. Prerequisite: See Prerequisites for Student Teaching in this catalog. Lab fee.


EDUC 4320 Intrdscplnry Math & Science Stratgs

This field-based course is a study of the mat erials, methods, and fundamental principles n ecessary to teach math and science for prospe ctive teachers seeking interdisciplinary cert ification. Course objectives include acquiri ng the knowledge and skills needed for planni ng, organizing, and effectively delivering in struction based upon the Math and Science Tex as Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Pra ctical activities include hands-on experience for teaching in a developmentally appropriat e manner using manipulatives and other concre te representations, as well as technology. P rocess, inquiry, and critical thinking skills are stressed. As a field based course, stude nts are expected to design and participate in learning activities both in the field and th e UMHB classroom. Prerequisites: MATH 2309 o r MATH 2313.


EDUC 4330 Math Strategies

A study of materials, methods, and fundamental principles necessary to teach math in grades EC-4 and in grades 4-8. The emphasis is on acquiring the knowledge and skills needed for planning, organizing , and effectively delivering math instruction based upon the math TEKS in a developmentally appropriate manner using manipulatives, pictorials, and other concrete objects. Specific areas are covered are number concepts, patterns, and algebra, geometry, and measurements, probability and statistics and the mathematical processes. The course if field-based and students are expected to design and participate in learning activities both in the field and in the UMHB classroom


EDUC 4335 Student Teach EC-6 PE/Art/Thea/Tech

Student teaching shall consist of five weeks of full days in observation and teaching expe riences in classrooms grades Ec-4. Lab fee.


EDUC 4336 Student Teaching 4-8 PE/Art/Thea

Student teaching shall consist of five weeks of full days in observation and teaching expe riences in classrooms grades 4-8. Lab fee.


EDUC 4337 Student Teaching 8-12 PE/Art/Thea

Student teaching shall consist of five weeks of full days in observation and teaching expe riences in classrooms grades 8-12. Lab fee.


EDUC 4340 Science Strategies

Stresses the principles, contenct,methods and materials of teaching science in grades EC-4, and grades 4-8. Thhis field-based course gives the student the knowledge and skills needed for planning, organzing, and effectively delivering instruction based upon the Science TEKS. Practical activities are included to provide hands-on experience and knowledge for the prospective teacher. Process, inquiry, and critical thinking skills are stressed. Technology is presented as an appropriate vehicle for enhancing the students’ understanding of science.


EDUC 4390 Independent Study

A course designed for junior and senior level students. The course will consist of a wide variety of topics based on the specific need s or aspirations of the individual students. This course may be repeated for credit. Inde pendent learning is designed to provide an op portunity to develop proficiency in specific areas under the direct supervision of the pro fessor. Prerequisite: Permission of the department chairperson.


EDUC 4435 Student Teaching Grades EC-4 Music

Student Teaching shall consist of five weeks of full days in observation and teaching expe riences in classrooms grades EC-4. Lab fee.


EDUC 4436 Student Teaching Grades 4-8 Music

Student teaching shall consist of five weeks of full days in observation and teaching expe riences in classrooms grades 4-8. Lab fee.


EDUC 4437 Student Teaching Grades 8-12 Music

Student teaching shall consist of five weeks of full days in observation and teaching expe riences in classrooms grades 8-12. Lab fee.


EDUC 4490 Independent Study

A course designed for junior and senior level students. The course will consist of a wide variety of topics based on the specific need s or aspirations of the individual students. This course may be repeated for credit. Ind ependent learning is designed to provide an o pportunity to develop proficiency in specific areas under the direct supervision of the pr ofessor. Prerequisite: Permission of the de partment chairperson.


EDUC 4501 EC-6 StudtTeachingLowerGrades(EC-3)

Student Teaching will consist of a half-semester observation and teaching experience in the lower grades (Early Childhood-3). Students will begin student teaching the first day of the district to which they are assigned. Group and individual conferences are arranged with the University Supervisor. Students are required to attend regularly scheduled seminars throughout the semester. Transportation to and from the teaching assignment is the responsibility of the student. Lab fee.


EDUC 4502 EC-6 StudtTeachingHigherGrades(4-6)

Student teaching will consist of a half-semester observation and teaching experience in the upper grades (4-6). Group and individual conferences are arranged with the University Supervisor. Students are required to attend regularly scheduled seminars throughout the semester. Transportation to and from the teaching assignment is the responsibility of the student. Lab fee.


EDUC 4503 4-8 StudtTeachingLowerGrades (4-6)

Student teaching will consist of a half-semes ter of observation and teaching experience in grades 4-6. Students will begin student tea ching the first day of the district to which they are assigned. Group and individual conf erences are arranged with the University Supe rvisor. Students are required to attend regu larly scheduled seminars throughout the semes ter. Transportation to and from the teaching assignment is the responsibility of the stud ent. Lab fee.


EDUC 4504 4-8 StudtTeachingHigherGrades (6-8)

Student teaching will consist of a half-semes ter of observation and teaching experience in grades 6-8. Group and individual conference s are arranged with the University Supervisor . Students are required to attend regularly scheduled seminars throughout the semester. Transportation to and from the teaching assig nment is the responsibility of the student. Lab fee.


EDUC 4505 Student Teach Lower Grades (8-10)

Student teaching will consist of a half semes ter of observation and teaching experience in grades 8-10. Students will begin student te aching the first day of class for the distric t to which they are assigned. Group and indi vidual conferences are arranged with the Univ ersity Superviso. Students are required to a ttend regularly scheduled seminars throughout the semester. Transporatation to and from t he teaching assignment is the responsibility of the student. Lab fee.


EDUC 4506 Student Teach Higher Grades (10-12)

Student teaching will consist of a half-semester of observation and teaching experience in grades 10-12. Group and indivdual conferences are arranged with the University Supervisor. Students are required to attend regularly scheduled seminars throughout the semester. Transportation to and from the teaching assignment is the responsibility of the student. Lab fee.


EDUC 4603 Internshp or Studnt Tchg EC-4, 4-8

Student teaching will consist of observation and teaching experiences for a semester. Conferences are arranged with the instructor. Transportation to and from the teaching assignment is the responsibility of the student. Lab fee.