FREN 3320 French Civilization

French culture in relation to history, geography, literature, and government. Emphasis is on contemporary France and French-speaking countries. Conducted in French. Prerequisite: FREN 2310-2320 or equivalent.


FREN 3321 Intro/Literary Analysis in French

Readings in poetry, drama, and fiction. Prerequisite: FREN 2320 or permission of instructor.


FREN 3350 French Literature Middle Age-18Cent

A study of representative works of French poetry and fiction from the middle ages up to and including the 18th century.Prerequisite: FREN 2310-2320 or equivalent.


FREN 3360 French Literature 19th & 20th Cent

Reading and study of the important representative works of French literature of the 19th century and the more contemporary works of the 20th century. Prerequisite: FREN 2310-2320 or equivalent.


FREN 3380 Advanced Grammar - French

Survey of grammatical structures with emphasis on correct written expression and English-French translation.