MUSI 4106 ExCET Review

Required of all baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate students seeking All-level music teacher certification in Music. Students must show mastery at the 80% level or higher to receive completion credit. Must be taken the semester before student teaching. Fee.


MUSI 4190 Independent Study

A seminar course for a specialized project under faculty supervision. By permission only.


MUSI 4191 Seminar

A study of selected topics in Music. The topic will be announced prior to registration. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


MUSI 4223 Orchestration

A survey of the characteristics of standard orchestral instruments and of arranging for various combinations of instruments. Prerequisite: MUSI 2332.


MUSI 4253 Piano Literature I

A comprehensive historical survey of piano mu sic. Program building and examination of publ ished scores are included.


MUSI 4255 Vocal Literature I

A comprehensive historical survey of vocal music. Program building and examination of published scores are included.


MUSI 4282 Contemporary Church Music Trends

Study of the concepts, materials and resources currently used in Christian worship; examines the use of standard and emerging popular music trends, styles, ensembles, and nomenclature. Prerequisite: MUSI 2280.


MUSI 4290 Independent Study

A seminar course for a specialized project un der faculty supervision. By permission only.


MUSI 4291 Seminar

A study of selected topics in Music. The topi c will be announced prior to registrarion. Pr erequisite: Permission of instructor.


MUSI 4380 Church Music Administration I

Overview of the entire compass of a local church music ministry. Special empahsis on the graded choir program for children, youth and adults. Prerequisite: MUSI 2280.


MUSI 4390 Independent Study

A seminar course for a specialized project un der faculty supervision. By permission only.


MUSI 4391 Seminar

A study of selected topics in Music. The topi c will be announced prior to registration. Pr erequisite: Permission of instructor.


MUSI 4490 Independent Study

A seminar course for a specialized project under faculty supervision. By permission only.


MUSI 4491 Seminar

A study of selected topics in Music. The topic will be announced prior to registration. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.