CSBS 4190 Independent Learning

This course enables a student to pursue independent learning in some aspect of the field of Biblical Studies. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/ 1312 and junior standing.


CSBS 4191 Seminar

Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312 and junior standing.


CSBS 4290 Independent Learning

This course enables a student to pursue independent learning in some aspect of the field of Biblical Studies. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311 /1312 and junior standing.


CSBS 4291 Seminar

Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312 and junior standing.


CSBS 4330 Pentateuch

The course examines selected passages in the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. Special attention is given to modern techniques of scholarship, major themes in the Pentateuch relating to today's world, and selected passages of major importance. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312


CSBS 4331 Deuteronomic History

The course investigates selected portions of the Deuteronomic History (Joshua, Judges, 1-2 Samuel, and 1-2 Kings) and seeks to understand their relationship to the book of Deuteronomy. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312


CSBS 4332 The Major Prophets

The course examines selected portions of the Major Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel) with due attention given to the historical backgrounds and to their teachings. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312


CSBS 4340 The Gospel of Luke & Book of Acts

This course is a study of the Gospel of Luke and its distinctive features, tracing its continuity with and through its companion volume, the Acts of the Apostles. The study of Acts will stress the missionary career of St. Paul. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312


CSBS 4341 The Johannine Books in the New Testament

This course is a study of the Gospel of John with attention to its non-synoptic nature and theological sophistication. The course will include studies of 1-3 John and the Revelation/Apocalypse. It will seek to identify the special themes in these books. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312


CSBS 4342 The Later Pauline Epistles

This course is a study of Romans and the Prison Epistles. (Philemon, Ephesians, Colossians, and Philippians) noting the continuing development of Paul's theology and his prison ministry in Rome. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312


CSBS 4390 Independent Learning

This course enables a student to pursue independent learning in some aspect of the field of Biblical Studies. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311 /1312 and junior standing.


CSBS 4391 Seminar

Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312 and junior standing.


CSBS 4490 Independent Learning

This course enables a student to pursue independent learning in some aspect of the field of Biblical Studies. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311 /1312 and junior standing.


CSBS 4491 Seminar

Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312 and junior standing.