To receive a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Computer Science, a student must complete a minimum of 124 semester hours.
Degree Requirements
Required Practical Experience
All students majoring in Computer Science are required to acquire three hundred hours of practical experience while enrolled at UMHB. This requirement must be fulfilled before a student is allowed to graduate. Practical experience may be acquired through full-time employment, part-time employment, paid or unpaid internships (including CISC 4395), apprenticeships, international experiences, or co-op experiences. The Department Chair must approve practical-experience hours before the beginning of the student’s senior year. Students must obtain a letter from their employer/supervisor, internship side, etc. to verify their practical experience. Please see the Department Chair for additional information.
Academic Core – 57 hours
see Bachelor of Science Academic Core
B.S. Computer Science Major Required Courses – 24 hours
12 hours (6 upper level ) at UMHB
12 hours minimum upper level
Required Support Courses (Majors Only)-12 hours:
B.S.Computer Science Major Guided Elective Courses- 9 hours:
Choose nine (9) hours from the following three specializations. Student can take courses from one single specialization or multiple specializations.
Network –Centric Specialization:
Human-Computer Interface Specialization:
Games Programming Specialization:
BS Computer Science Major Elective Courses 3 hours
Choose three (3) additional hours in CISC, ENGR, MATH, or BCIS major field of study. A course taken to meet other B.S. Computer Science Degree requirements listed above cannot be counted to meet this requirement.