Academic Standards

Credit Hour

The semester credit hour is a unit by which an institution measures its course work. The value of a semester credit hour can be determined by time, the educational experience, and outside preparation by the student.

The following constitutes the definition of a semester credit hour for various modes of instruction offered at UMHB:

  1. At least fifteen (15) contact hours, as well as, a minimum of thirty (30) hours of student homework is required for each semester credit hour.
  2. Laboratory courses, with little outside work, require a minimum of forty-five (45) contact hours. If moderate outside work is required, thirty (30) contact hours are required.
  3. Internships, clinical, and field experiences require a minimum of forty-five (45) clock hours for each semester credit hour.
  4. For online, hybrid, and other nontraditional modes of delivery, semester credit hours are assigned based on learning outcomes that are equivalent to those in a traditional course setting, forty-five (45) hours of work by a typical student for each semester hour of credit.

Syllabi for every course will contain the appropriate definition of a semester credit hour from the list above. Each course should then follow this definition.

Course Numbers

The first digit in the numbering system denotes the course level (5 & 6 Master’s, 7 Doctoral). The second digit denotes the number of semester hours the course carries. The third and fourth digits are departmental numbers.

Student Course Load

Full-time Load:

Fall/Spring Semester

6 semester hours minimum

Summer Session

6 semester hours minimum

Students who are enrolled in either CNSL 6397 Internship I or CNSL 6398 Internship II during the last two semesters of the Clinical Mental Health Counseling or the Marriage Family and Child Counseling tracks of study may be considered full-time students when enrolled in the courses. Both the Clinical Mental Health Counseling and the Marriage Family and Child Counseling tracks of study require 300 hours of clinical service per semester, which make these classes time intensive. The designated courses in students’ degree plan for the Fall and Spring semesters would range between 3 and 6 credit hours.




Grading System



Interpretation of Grades









Below Average


< 70







In Progress









No Credit





















No Grade Submitted

*Not counted in computing GPA

**Counted in computing GPA for the semester in which the course was taken AND for computing overall GPA.

Note: For specific program GPA details, please see program department.

Incomplete Grade

An “I” (Incomplete) indicates inability of a student to complete some vital requirement of a course (e.g. final exam, major report, term paper, etc.) due to conditions beyond the student’s control. It is not the intent of the “I” grade to give a student an unfair time advantage over other students who complete their work in a timely manner. As such, an “I” grade will be approved only when exceptional circumstances, clearly beyond the student’s control, are substantiated (e.g. protracted illness, injury, or other acute personal emergency). It is the responsibility of the student to contact his/her professor prior to course culmination to execute the Incomplete Grade Contract.

Once an “I” grade is assigned, it is the responsibility of the student to take the initiative to complete the work within thirty (30) calendar days after the start of the next semester (excluding full summer term). If more than thirty days are required, an extension request is to be submitted by the student through the instructor and Program Director. Approved extensions will be filed with the Registrar’s Office. An extension longer than the end of the next semester (excluding full summer term) will not be approved. The “I” will be automatically changed to an “F” if the course is not satisfactorily completed within this time frame. A $25 fee is charged to remove an “I” grade.


Grade Reports

Grades are posted on MyCampus at

Transcript of University Credits

A transcript of university credits is an official copy of a student’s permanent record, bearing the University seal and the signature of the Registrar. Copies of students’ transcripts are available upon written request to the Registrar’s Office.

Requests should include the students’ name at time of attendance, social security number, or student identification number, and complete address of where the transcript is to be sent. Requests can be sent to:

Office of the Registrar

UMHB Box 8425

900 College Street

Belton, TX 76513

Transcripts will not be released if the student owes money to the University. This includes, but is not limited to, money owed to the library, bookstore, health center, business office, or any other department or agency considered a part of the University.

Disciplinary Notation on Transcript
If a student is ineligible to reenroll at UMHB for a reason that is neither academic nor financial, the university is required by law to note that fact on the student’s transcript.

If a student withdraws from the university with pending disciplinary charges that may result in the student becoming ineligible to reenroll for a reason that is neither academic nor financial, the university may not end the disciplinary process until it makes a final determination of responsibility and eligibility to reenroll.

Any transcript issued while such charges are pending may be reissued with the required notation by the university (1) once the disciplinary charge is concluded (and the student is found responsible), and (2) the student’s appeal rights are either concluded or expired. For purposes of this policy, a disciplinary charge is pending as soon as an allegation of student misconduct has been made to the university official who is responsible for making an investigation or determination with respect to such misconduct.

The university may remove a notation described in this paragraph from a student’s transcript if the student requests the removal and the university determines that good cause exists to remove the notation.

Academic Progress Requirements

A grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 or above, semester and cumulative, is required of all graduate students enrolled at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor. Students with a semester or cumulative GPA of less than 3.00 will be placed on probation. Students with a term GPA of 0.0 will be automatically suspended from school and will be required to sit out a long semester. 

Two consecutive terms of enrollment with a cumulative GPA of less than 3.00 will result in dismissal from the program. Some programs may have additional requirements. 


Academic Appeal


Grounds for Appeal

Students may appeal any academic decision that is arbitrary, capricious, or unfair. For an appeal to have merit, the student must show that the decision was clearly erroneous or that the university failed to follow its policies or rules.

The following do not form a valid basis for an academic appeal:

  • Dissatisfaction with a grade or decision
  • Poor academic performance as a result of the student’s personal circumstances
  • Interference caused by the student’s employment
  • Failure to make a timely application for a disability accommodation
  • Failure to make a timely application for a withdrawal, including a withdrawal necessitated by illness or injury

At every level the appeal must be in writing and state: (1) the change requested, (2) all valid reasons for the change, (3) any evidence to support the change, and (4) the student's contact information.  Appeals must be submitted utilizing the form available at 

Appeals Related to Academic Coursework

An appeal must be submitted to the faculty member who made the decision no later than ten (10) calendar days after the decision. The faculty member shall notify the student of the appeal decision within seven (7) calendar days.

The student may appeal the faculty member’s decision to the dean of that college* (see section below for Mayborn College of Health Sciences appeal process). The appeal must be submitted by the student within seven (7) calendar days after receiving the faculty member’s decision.

The dean (or the dean’s designee) will provide the student a written decision on the appeal within seven (7) calendar days after receiving the appeal. 

The student may appeal the dean’s decision by submitting an appeal to the Provost’s Office within seven (7) calendar days after receiving the dean’s decision.  The Provost or the Provost’s designee will provide the student a written decision on the appeal within seven (7) calendar days after receiving the appeal. This decision shall be final.

*Appeals in the Mayborn College of Health Sciences

The path for appealing a decision related to academic coursework in the Mayborn College of Health Sciences shall be first to the faculty member, then to the school’s Dean for undergraduate programs (or to the Program Director for graduate programs), and finally to the Executive Dean, who shall serve as the Provost’s designee and whose decision shall be final. Otherwise, the procedures and timelines described in the previous section shall apply.


If the student has received no response within seven (7) calendar days after submitting an appeal to the dean or provost’s office, the student may inquire of the appeal recipient about the status of the appeal. 

Other Provisions

The Provost’s Office may extend the time for the university to respond to an academic appeal at any level when the appeal requires more extensive review, a school break occurs during the appeal response time, or other extenuating circumstances apply.

If an academic decision affects both a student’s grade in a course and dismissal from a Program because of the grade, the appeal shall take both issues into consideration as a singular appeal.

Faculty who are no longer employed by the University (e.g. retired, adjuncts) are not participants in the appeal process beyond their last day of employment.  In such a case the student should begin the appeal at the next level. If the appeal is in progress, the exiting faculty member will pass the appeal to the next administrator in line for completion.

Other Types of Academic Appeals

The procedure for appealing decisions regarding incidents of academic dishonesty is discussed in the Academic Integrity section of this Catalog.

The procedure for appealing decisions related to academic probation and academic suspension are provided to the student in writing when the student is notified of academic probation or academic suspension status.

For academic appeals not otherwise specified in this policy, the student should promptly consult the Provost’s Office for specific information on whether an appeal process is available.