
Work-study programs awarded as part of a students aid package are typically the only aid that is not applied toward a student's billing statement. Instead, students earn a paycheck for the hours worked; most positions pay minimum wage. When students first begin working for UT, it may take several weeks to receive a first paycheck. After that, students are paid twice monthly. 

Students who are not awarded work-study as part of their financial aid award may still work on campus under the student employment program funded by UT. 

Openings for all work programs are posted on HIRE-UT. Students are given access to the HIRE-UT website after enrolling for their first term (typically a few weeks prior to the start of classes). Many off-campus employment opportunities also are available.

Students must be eligible for employment; additional documentation is required, like a social security card, U.S. passport and/or driver's license. Your supervisor will assist you with the required employment paperwork before you begin your first day of work. Students may not begin working until the appropriate documentation is complete. International students must receive a social security card valid for employment before they may begin working.