1.1.5 Governance Committees

Each committee serves either an advisory or administrative function on behalf of a higher body or an administrator. As the line of responsibility indicates (see Appendix M.2: Governance Organizational Diagram), a committee makes recommendations or decisions according to duties assigned to it and in harmony with policies approved by the higher body or the administrator. Unless otherwise specified, the work of the committee is self-sustaining under the authority given to it, but its actions and decisions may be reviewed at any time by the administrator or body to which it is responsible. A working staff relationship (represented by straight lines on the organization chart) implies a two-way communication between a committee and the administrator or higher body. It is the responsibility of the administrator or higher body to direct and implement the committee's recommendations and decisions.

Committees are either standing or ad hoc. Standing committees are committees whose purpose and membership are defined in the Governance Handbook. Ad hoc committees are non-governance advisory committees, generally serving a specific purpose for a limited time.