Governance System Workflow

Procedures for adopting changes to policies, practices, or documents of the University (hereafter referred to as policy), unless otherwise directed in the Governance Handbook, will be as follows:

  1. Policy is typically drafted at the committee level but may also originate with administrators who bring policy concepts to an appropriate committee.
  2. In drafting policy, committees may seek input from other committees or administrators or, with administrative support, consult experts.
  3. As directed by the Governance Handbook or by committee action, a chair will inform other committees or administrators of policy considerations and/or actions of the committee.
  4. Policy is recommended by committees to administrators or to deliberative groups as defined in the Governance Handbook (see Appendix M.2: Governance Organizational Diagram) for further consideration or action.
  5. Deliberative groups review or approve policy. Review generally occurs before a policy is approved. Approval is done only once per policy decision.
  6. Where further deliberation is called for in the Governance Handbook, the appropriate deliberative groups may, once a policy has been approved, be called upon to review or to ratify the policy.

To facilitate information sharing between participants in the governance system, committee documents shall be made available where possible. The Central File is an electronic repository of committee minutes and documents. Minutes of all governance committees shall be submitted to the Central File, except where otherwise specified in committee descriptions.