Appendix P: University Senate Chair Consideration

In consideration of the time commitment of University Senate Chair, four options are available. Exact dollar amounts for options related to contract rate scales are set at the highest institutional contract teacher rate.

Option 1:

The dollar equivalent of a 2-hour per quarter contract rate, payable over the five pay periods per quarter (taxable)

Option 2:

The dollar equivalent of a 2-hour per quarter contract rate placed in an academic equipment reserve fund, with the understanding that

  1. The equipment purchased would belong to the university
  2. The individual serving as University Senate Chair directs use of the reserve fund
  3. The Vice President for Academic Administration approves all purchases

Option 3:

The dollar equivalent of a 2-hour per quarter contract rate placed in a protected, nontaxable professional development fund with the understanding that

  1. The individual serving as University Senate Chair directs use of the fund for professional development expenses (books, conferences, computer equipment, etc.)
  2. Funds are available via reimbursement as approved by the Vice President for Academic Administration

Option 4:

One-third release time with classes covered by contract teaching as needed