Process for Handbook Revisions


Proposed revisions of statements within the handbook charter, bylaws, and procedures are first reviewed by the Governance Handbook Committee, as described in the bylaws, and referred with recommendations to the University Senate for discussion and action. Proposed revisions shall be distributed to all administration, faculty, and staff prior to University Senate discussion and action.

Revisions of statements within the charter and bylaws are approved by University Senate in a regularly scheduled meeting at least two weeks after being introduced to Senate. Actions are reviewed at the next regularly scheduled University Assembly. If the University Assembly takes no action at that time, the action of University Senate becomes a formal recommendation to the President.

Formal recommendations for revisions to the charter must be ratified by the Board of Trustees. Formal recommendations for revisions to the bylaws are reviewed by the Board of Trustees. After successful ratification and/or review, the recommended changes are incorporated into the next official publication of the handbook. The President may withhold a formal recommendation from further consideration. If the President withholds such a recommendation, he/she must provide a written rationale to the Chair of the Faculty for distribution to the Senate.

Revisions of statements within the procedures are approved by a two-thirds vote of the University Senate in regularly scheduled meetings at least two weeks after being introduced to the University Senate are not subject to further review.

Appendices contain information that defines or supplements policies of the handbook. In some instances, documents outside the purview of the campus governance system are referenced, including statutory law, federal or state regulations, and Seventh-day Adventist employment policy.

Appendices are authorized in either the charter or the bylaws. Revisions of statements within the appendices are assigned to appropriate governance entities. No provision of the appendices may supersede a provision of the bylaws or the charter.

Before inclusion in the handbook, modifications to appendices will be presented to University Senate for review and approval.