1.9 Method of Implementation


The standard form for committee procedures consists of the following categories:

  1. Protocol--How the Committee Conducts Business

    1. Procedures for developing and distributing agendas

    2. Procedures for taking actions (votes, etc.)

    3. Committee workloads

    4. Other protocol procedures peculiar to specific committee. For example:

      I. Procedures describing when key tasks are to be performed and rationale for this timing

      ii. Procedures for processing appeals, reports, proposals, recommendations, or documents received by the committee

      iii. Procedures for processing appeals, reports, proposals, recommendations or documents to be sent to other governance bodies

      iv. Procedures for making individual or sub-committee work assignments

  2. Communication--What and With Whom the Committee Communicates

    1. Procedures for communicating minutes of meetings among members and to other appropriate governance bodies

    2. Other communication procedures peculiar to specific committee. For example:

      i. Procedures for maintaining and enhancing communication with individuals and other governance bodies

      ii. Procedures of maintaining confidentiality

  3. Documentation--How the Committee Builds Memory

    1. Procedures for incorporating rationale into each action or recommendation

    2. Procedures for recording and permanently filing a history of the committee's work

    3. Other documentation procedures peculiar to specific committee. For example:

      i. Procedures for transferring the history of the committee's work to an incoming chair