Grading System

The grade-point average is computed by totaling the grade points of all courses taken at Walla Walla University and dividing by the total quarter hours for which grades are received. Only the best grade of a repeated course will be calculated in the grade-point average. Default grades of Incompletes are included in the grade point calculation. The AU, IP, NC, S, W, X, and Z are disregarded in computing the grade-point average. Once a course grade has been recorded, students may not submit additional coursework.

A report of grades is available on the WWU website for students at the end of each quarter. Classes taken for 0 credit may only be graded S/NC.

The following system of grades and grade-point values per quarter hours is used for evaluating graduate credit:

A 4.0 B 3.0 C 2.0 D 1.0
A- 3.7 B- 2.7 C- 1.7 D- 0.7
B+ 3.3 C+ 2.3 D+ 1.3 F 0

In place of grades, the following symbols are used:

I - Incomplete. An Incomplete “I” is a temporary grade which may be given at the instructor’s discretion to a student when illness, necessary absence, or other reasons beyond the control of the student prevents completion of course requirements by the end of the academic term. 

Incomplete grades may be given only in the following circumstances:

  • The student’s work to date is passing;
  • Attendance has been satisfactory through at least 50% of the term;
  • A documented illness or injury, death in the family, or other extenuating circumstance legitimately prevents completion of required work by the due date;
  • The incomplete is not given as a substitute for a failing grade;
  • The incomplete is not based solely on a student's failure to complete work or as a means of raising his or her grade by doing additional work after the grade report time;
  • The student initiates the request for an incomplete grade before the end of the academic term.

Appropriate grades must be assigned in other circumstances. An X grade may be recorded for students who cease attending class within the first 50% of the course at the instructor’s discretion. 

The following procedures for incomplete grades apply:

  • Students who receive an incomplete grade in a course need not reregister for the course in order to remove the “I.”
  • An Incomplete is not to be assigned where the normal practice requires extension of course requirements beyond the close of a term, e.g., thesis or project type courses.
  • Faculty must enter a default grade which will appear on the transcript should the expiration deadline lapse without further action on the part of the student.
  • A default grade should reflect the final grade status of the student without considering any additional work.
  • The value of the default grade, entered with the incomplete, will be calculated into the student GPA and considered for purposes of determining academic standing, federal financial aid eligibility, athletic eligibility, or other purposes. The GPA will be recalculated only when the final grade is recorded.
  • The course work may be completed while the student is not enrolled unless the student has been dismissed from the university.
  • Submission of all required work is due to the instructor the following term (excluding summer session) by the deadline set by the instructor, no later than Friday of Week 7. 
  • Only in extenuating circumstances will extensions be granted beyond seven weeks. Forms for extension requests can be found on the WWU website. Extension requests must be approved by the Associate Vice President of Graduate Studies. Forms are available online.
  • Incomplete grades may be replaced with final letter grades prior to the expiration deadline by the faculty of record through myWWU.
  • Graduating students must complete all outstanding incompletes six weeks prior to graduation.

I* - Standing Incomplete. Final grade for coursework not completed within appropriate timeframe.

IP - In Progress. IP grading is a temporary grade that may be assigned if a student has completed a minimum of 50% of the required coursework. IP grades may be assigned to preapproved courses such as Internship, Research, Thesis, Seminar, or other courses that extend beyond regular grading periods. If a final grade is not submitted within three terms (excluding summer) after the original enrollment term, the IP will automatically become an IP* (standing IP). Requests for time extension beyond the one-year deadline must be submitted to the Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies prior to the end of the one-year deadline. With appropriate approval an IP grade can be extended for a maximum of two years from the original enrollment term after which the student must reregister for the course.

IP* - Standing In Progress. Final grade for coursework not completed within appropriate timeframe.

S/NC - Satisfactory/No Credit. Indicates that credit earned was satisfactory (C or better) or that the credit was not earned because performance did not meet the minimum standards for a satisfactory grade. A grade of S will not be acceptable for graduate credit except for courses that require S/NC grading. Some professional schools calculate the NC mark as an F grade when computing the grade-point average.

W - Official Withdrawal. Courses dropped during the first week of the term will not appear on the  student’s record. Courses dropped thereafter will appear on the permanent record with a W.

X - Unofficial Withdrawal. Indicates that the student discontinued class attendance prior to the fifth week, mid-term, but failed to withdraw officially.

Z - Administrative Withdrawal.

AU - Audit. An AU is assigned for class attendance and participation generally excluding tests and outside-of-class assignments. Arrangements to audit a class are made with the Office of Graduate Studies. The deadline for changing to or from audit status is the tenth day of the quarter. The cost for audited credit is one-half the regular tuition rate. 

GRADE ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS. Grades will be processed and posted online for viewing at the close of each quarter. Upon viewing grades via the secured website, the student should carefully check the accuracy of the courses recorded, quarter hours, and grades. Grades may be changed only if an error has been made in calculating or recording the grade. Students will have until the last day to drop classes during the next regular quarter to report any discrepancies to the Academic Records Office.

GRADUATE GPA. Grades of all courses on the approved graduate program and in the program area, excluding deficiencies, will be computed in the grade-point average.