Eligibility for Reentry - LVN/LPN

A student who has been programmatically dismissed from the pre-licensure Nursing program may apply for reentry to the University if they:

  1. enter an approved LVN/LPN program within six (6) months of dismissal from the BSN program,
  2. graduate from an approved LVN/LPN program with a 3.0 GPA within the past year of seeking reentry,  
  3. successfully passed the NCLEX-PN, and 
  4. meet all admissions requirements.

The applicant must be in good standing with the University except previous Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) or GPA requirements. If any other "good standing" issues exist, the individual maybe admitted on probationary status.  If a student in probationary status is not in "good standing" after completing their first semester of coursework, they will be dismissed from the University.   If an applicant was previously dismissed from West Coast University for any conduct violations, they will not be admitted to the program. 


If the applicant successfully reenters, the University will waive recency requirements for general education and pre-requisite courses. The student will start on the BSN track (rather than LVN/LPN - BSN track) at the point where they were dismissed.  However, if the applicant seeks reentry (enrolls) a year or more after completion of their  LVN/LPN program, this policy will not apply.  


An individual who is readmitted by this clause will not be considered for dismissal due to previous course failures. Any failures that occur after the student has reentered the program will be subject to the programmatic dismissal policy.