Graduate Grading Scale

Student work is assessed by the use of a standard 4.0 grading scale as follows:

Numerical Grading Conversion Scale
Grading Scale Points Conversion Percentages and/or definitions Treatment for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)  
Included in Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) Attempted Successfully Completed






Certificate Programs

A 4.0 93-100 Y Y Y Y Y Y
A- 3.7 90-92 Y Y Y Y Y Y
B+ 3.3 87-89 Y Y Y Y Y Y
B 3.0 83-86 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
B- 2.7 80-82 Y Y Y Y Y N Y
C+ 2.3 76-79 Y Y Y Y Y N N
C 2.0 73-75 Y Y N Y Y N
C- 1.7 70-72 Y Y N N Y N
D+ 1.3 66-69 Y Y N N N N
D 1.0 63-65 Y Y N N N N N
D- 0.7 60-62 Y Y N N N N N
F 0.0 59 and below Y Y N N N N N
AU 0.0 Audit N N N N N N N
CR 0.0 Credit N Y Y Y Y Y Y
P 0.0 Pass N Y Y Y Y Y Y
NP 0.0 No Pass N Y N N N N N
I 0.0 Incomplete N Y N N N N N
WNP  0.0   Withdrawal - No Pass N N N
TC 0.0 Transfer Credit N Y Y Y Y Y Y
W 0.0 Withdrawal N Y N N N N
WP 0.0 Withdrawal- Pass N Y N N N N
WF 0.0 Withdrawal-Failure Y Y N N N N N

Note: AU, CR, P, NP, I, TC, W, WF, WNP, and WP are used on the Academic Record but have no point values and are not computed in the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).

A minimum passing grade is required for each course and varies by program.

Earned grades below the minimum passing grade reflect that the course has not been successfully completed.

Each academic program has unique prerequisite requirements. Please see the specific program section for additional information.