Non-Degree Seeking

Cost per credit for those not enrolled in degree or certificate programs, or enrolled in the LVN to RN 30-unit option.

California - Undergraduate

Cost Per Credit Hour
General Education $1,986
Nursing Core $1,986

California - Graduate

Cost Per Credit Hour
Pharmacy $1,321
Occupational Therapy $919
Physical Therapy $882


Cost Per Credit Hour
General Education $1,425
Nursing Core $1,425


Cost Per Credit Hour
General Education $599
Nursing Core $799

Online - Undergraduate

Cost Per Credit Hour
Non-Military Rate Veteran Rate1 Active Duty Rate2
General Education $525 $446 $250
Nursing Core $525 $446 $250
Health Administration $460 $391 $250
Business Administration $460 $391 $250
Speech Language Pathology $305 $260 $250

Online – Graduate

Cost Per Credit Hour
Non-Military Rate Military Rate3
Master of Science in Nursing $635 $540
Business Administration $775 $659
Health Administration $625 $531
Public Health $575 $489
Family Nurse Practitioner Core $785 $667
Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Core $785 $667
Doctor of Nursing Practice $895 $760


Non-Military Rate Veteran Rate1 Active Duty Rate2
Administrative Fee (per semester/trimester) (1-3 units) $250 $250 $0
Administrative Fee (per semester/trimester) (4+ units) $500 $500 $0
ATI Material Fee4 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500
Speech Language Pathology Supplies Fee5 $100 $100 $100
Speech Language Pathology Supplies Fee5 (Fall 1 Start) $145 $145 $0

Note: Some courses require On-site Intensive (OSI) weekends and precepted hours. Students enrolled through the Orange County campus must complete their OSI’s in California and students enrolled through the Texas campus must complete their OSI’s in Texas. Travel costs are not included in the individual course cost, and students are responsible for arranging transportation. Please check with your academic program director for more information.

1 Rate provided to Veterans, Veteran Spouse, dependents utilizing parent's veteran's education benefits, and Veterans Affairs employees.

2 Rate provided to Active Duty, Active Duty Spouse, Reserve, Reserve Spouse, and Department of Defense employees.

3 Rate provided to Active Duty, Active Duty Spouse, Reserve, Reserve Spouse, Veterans, Veteran Spouse, Department of Defense employees, dependents utilizing parent's veteran's education benefits, and Veterans Affairs employees.

4 The ATI Material Fee is only charged once to a student’s account when the student attempts their first nursing-core course.

5 Speech Language Pathology Supplies Fee includes books for SLP504.  Fall 1 2022 Cohort will also include charges for Video Observation System and Simulation Modules. This fee is only charged once to a student's account upon beginning the non-degree seeking coursework.