Academic Support, Counseling and Career Services

Career and Life Planning Services

Whether deciding on a major, preparing to enter the job market, or considering a career change, career and life planning services are available to students, prospective students, alumni and community members. The college offers a wide range of career and life planning services which help students focus on their values, interests, skills, and personality traits. These services include individualized career counseling, special topic workshops, career assessments, and job assistance services. The Resource Library is open to the public and provides a variety of job and career materials, including printed resources, video tapes, and computerized self-assessment and career exploration programs. For further information, contact the Counseling and Career Services Office, room RCF-302 or call 443-518-1340. For additional resources, please visit our website at

Cooperative Education/Internships

Cooperative education (co-ops) and internships are supervised work experiences directly related to a student’s learning program and/or career interests. The basic purpose is to integrate classroom theory with work applications. For further information, contact the Counseling and Career Services Office, room RCF-302 or call 443-518-1340.

Employment Counseling

Employment Counseling is available to students, alumni and community members who are interested in pursuing full time, part time, permanent and temporary positions.

Available resources include:

  • job books listing current openings in the Baltimore/Washington corridor.
  • job hunting reference materials featuring books and videos about resume writing, interviewing skills, creative job search techniques, and related topics.
  • HCC Jobs Online, job matching database that can be accessed via the internet at

Employment Counseling services include:

  • individual assistance in resume writing and interviewing/job search techniques provided on an appointment basis.
  • customized workshops on a wide range of topics as requested by the college community.
  • job fairs are held each semester and on campus recruiter visits are scheduled regularly.

For further information, contact the Counseling and Career Services Office, room RCF-302 or call 443-518-1340.

Personal Counseling

College can sometimes be a difficult and stressful time for students. With students trying to juggle school, work, and family responsibilities, there are times when these demands can be overwhelming. Personal counseling provides an opportunity to talk with an objective professional about your concerns. What is discussed with a personal counselor will remain confidential and will not be shared with others. There is short-term individual counseling, as well as crisis intervention, available to students who are struggling with a variety of issues. Personal counseling services are free of charge to HCC students. In addition, there are educational resources available on a wide range of mental health ­issues, as well as information and referral to community programs and services. Personal counselors are available by appointment. To schedule an appointment or for further information, contact the Counseling and Career Services Office, room RCF-302, or call 443-518-1340. Please feel free to visit our webpage at for additional resources.

Learning Assistance Center

The Learning Assistance Center provides tutoring and academic support services to all students enrolled in credit courses who would like to become more successful and efficient learners. The LAC, located in RCF-340, provides free group tutoring in most courses offered at the college. Drop-in tutoring services are scheduled and advertised each semester. The LAC conducts workshops on study skills, learning styles, time management, memory building, notetaking, and test-taking. Drop-in help for writing assignments is available in the Write Room, located inside the LAC. Tutoring, writing, and study skills software are available for use on computers. For further information, call 443-518-1320.

Student Support Services

Student Support Services is a federally-funded program offering free comprehensive services to eligible students. Eligibility criteria include low-income and/or first generation college (neither parent received a four-year college degree), and/or a documented disability.

The program’s goal is to increase the retention and graduation rates of students at the college. The Student Support Services Program provides free, individualized instruction by academic specialists in the areas of math, reading, writing, English as a second language, and study skills. Learning disabilities specialists assist students who have varying learning styles. Free individual tutoring is available in most courses. Personal, academic, financial aid, career, and transfer counseling is available to program students. Advocacy, assistance with accommodations, and equipment are also available for students with disabilities. For further information, call 443-518-1300 or come to room RCF-302.

Services for Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Disability Support Services Office upon admission to the college or when contemplating attending the college. A minimum of two weeks notice before classes ­begin is necessary to schedule some accommodations. This will give the college ample opportunity to respond to any special needs of the student, as well as provide the student an opportunity to see what services are available. Prior to receiving accommodations and services, students must initiate a request with the Disability Support Services Office and supply appropriate documentation of a disability. This information is kept confidential unless the student signs a written waiver of release. Services provided to students with documented disabilities include: advocacy, tutoring, interpreters, notetakers, test-taking accommodations, counseling, and academic advising. Equipment such as computer systems with Kurzweil 3000, text Help!, Dragon Naturally Speaking and Zoomtext is available for student use along with other assistive and adaptive technology, closed circuit TV, tape recorders, listening devices, and magnifiers. Students in need of sign language interpreters must contact the Disability Support Services Office at least two weeks prior to the start of classes. For further information, call 443-518-1300 or 443-518-4606 TDD or come to room RCF-302.

Vocational Support Services

The Vocational Support Services is designed for students in vocational/career programs who are having academic difficulties or who have disabilities. Vocational Support Services Program provides free small group and individual tutoring in vocational courses, such as nursing, accounting, and electronics. Career counseling is available from a Career Specialist located in Career Services, room RCF-302. Group test reviews for vocational courses, and study skills and test-taking workshops are also available. The program assists students with disabilities majoring in vocational/career programs in arranging accommodations and specialized ­equipment.

Retention Services

Retention Services assists in the development of retention plans that support students’ academic persistence and success. This includes student monitoring, assessment, follow-up, skill reinforcement, co-curricular programming, and learning community involvement, which complements enhanced student performance. Programs monitored by Retention Services include Early Alert, Peer Mentoring, and Academic Suspension Appeals. For further information, call 443-518-1320.

Career Links

The Career Links program assists low-income single parents, displaced homemakers and single pregnant women to become economically self-sufficient. The goals of the program are to achieve education and career goals toward long-term economic self-sufficiency.

Career Links staff will help participants determine their goals and decide on the type of work they would like to do based on their interests and past experiences. If appropriate, the staff will help participants plan a program of study, assist with the application for college admission and financial aid, as well as facilitate the registration process. Information on resume writing, interviewing skills, the job search process, and job retention is provided. The staff will also assist program participants with concerns that interfere with job or school activities. Staff members can make referrals to a wide variety of community services. The Career Links program assists with any difficulty participants may encounter on their way to economic self-sufficiency.

Low-income single parents, displaced home­makers, or single pregnant women should contact the Counseling and Career Services ­Office for further information and to attend a Career Links program orientation. For further information, call 443-518-4954 or 443-518-1340.