PSYC-203 Abnormal Psychology

Through this introduction to the field of abnormal psychology, students will be able to describe both historical and current issues involved with defining and recognizing mental illness, to describe the causes of mental illness, to compare and contrast the major treatments of mental illness, and to describe some of the ways to prevent mental illness. In addition, students will learn to be more critical of abnormal psychology information as found in the mass media.





Hours Weekly

3 hours weekly

Course Objectives

  1. 1. List and explain the topics of the field of abnormal psychology
  2. 2. Discuss the difficulties in defining mental illness
  3. 3. List various causes of mental illness
  4. 4. Compare and contrast various types of mental illness
  5. 5. Compare and contrast various views for treating mental illness
  6. 6. Analyze the mass media for examples of abnormal psychology concepts
  7. 7. Write documented essays (using APA format) on selected topics
  8. 8. Report increased confidence in their ability to be responsible for their own

Course Objectives

  1. 1. List and explain the topics of the field of abnormal psychology
  2. 2. Discuss the difficulties in defining mental illness
  3. 3. List various causes of mental illness
  4. 4. Compare and contrast various types of mental illness
  5. 5. Compare and contrast various views for treating mental illness
  6. 6. Analyze the mass media for examples of abnormal psychology concepts
  7. 7. Write documented essays (using APA format) on selected topics
  8. 8. Report increased confidence in their ability to be responsible for their own