PSYC-202 Social Psychology

In addition to understanding and applying major concepts, facts, principles, and theories of social psychology, students will be able to interpret, analyze, and critically evaluate social psychological materials. Students will be able to explain the important research on these topics: T-groups, conformity, obedience, attraction, attitude change, cognitive dissonance, prejudice, and aggression. Students will study several social psychological topics of their own choosing.





Hours Weekly

3 hours weekly

Course Objectives

  1. 1. Describe the varied topics that are a part of the field of social psychology.
  2. 2. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the research methods used by social
    psychologists and the related ethical issues.
  3. 3. Define and give examples of selected social psychological concepts and facts.
  4. 4. Locate social psychological information in the Library and in textbooks.
  5. 5. Critically evaluate nontechnical social psychological information.
  6. 6. Use correct APA format for written assignments: documentation, references.
  7. 7. Apply social psychological concepts to the book Walden Two.
  8. 8. Apply social psychological concepts to everyday life.
  9. 9. Better participate in small group discussions.

Course Objectives

  1. 1. Describe the varied topics that are a part of the field of social psychology.
  2. 2. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the research methods used by social
    psychologists and the related ethical issues.
  3. 3. Define and give examples of selected social psychological concepts and facts.
  4. 4. Locate social psychological information in the Library and in textbooks.
  5. 5. Critically evaluate nontechnical social psychological information.
  6. 6. Use correct APA format for written assignments: documentation, references.
  7. 7. Apply social psychological concepts to the book Walden Two.
  8. 8. Apply social psychological concepts to everyday life.
  9. 9. Better participate in small group discussions.