Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

BIOL-106 Basic Anatomy and Physiology

This course is designed for students who need one semester of science which provides a learning sequence of the human body systems, fluid-electrolyte balance, and tissues. The integrated approach to studying biological, chemical, and physics relationships is stressed. The laboratory program will develop an understanding of the interrelationships of the human body systems and includes animal and organ dissections as well as work with skeletons, models, slides, and experimental studies of physiological processes.




PHYS-101 or BIOL-101 or BIOL-107

Hours Weekly

3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab weekly

Course Objectives

  1. 1. Communicate basic anatomical and physiological concepts using the correct terminology.
  2. 2. Identify the structural levels of organization from cellular to organ-system level for the body
    systems covered in this course.
  3. 3. Explain the basic mechanisms and functions of the body systems covered in this course.
  4. 4. Explain the principle of homeostasis and feedback mechanisms as they relate to the body
    systems covered in this course.
  5. 5. Research, analyze, and apply the knowledge of anatomy and physiology to clinical cases.
  6. 6. Research, analyze, and apply scientific principles related to medical instrumentation and
    their applications.

Course Objectives

  1. 1. Communicate basic anatomical and physiological concepts using the correct terminology.
  2. 2. Identify the structural levels of organization from cellular to organ-system level for the body
    systems covered in this course.
  3. 3. Explain the basic mechanisms and functions of the body systems covered in this course.
  4. 4. Explain the principle of homeostasis and feedback mechanisms as they relate to the body
    systems covered in this course.
  5. 5. Research, analyze, and apply the knowledge of anatomy and physiology to clinical cases.
  6. 6. Research, analyze, and apply scientific principles related to medical instrumentation and
    their applications.