Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

Disciplinary Conference

Students accused of offenses that may result in penalties less than suspension or expulsion, are subject to a disciplinary conference with the vice president of student services or designee. Normally, a disciplinary hold will be placed on the respondent’s account, restricting registration activities until the disciplinary conference is held. The following procedural protections are provided to respondents in disciplinary conferences:

  • Written notice of the specific complaint at least two business days prior to the scheduled conference.
  • Reasonable access to the case file prior to and during the conference. The case file consists of materials which would be considered “educational records,” pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. Personal notes of college staff members or complainants are not included.
  • An opportunity to respond to the evidence and to call appropriate and relevant witnesses.
  • A right to be accompanied by a person of his or her choosing, as defined in this code.

Note: The conference procedure is designed to reduce unnecessary proceduralism and contentiousness in disciplinary proceedings. A disciplinary conference will normally consist of an informal, non-adversarial meeting between the respondent and the vice president of student services or designee. Complainants would not be required to participate, unless questioning was necessary to resolve a dispositive factual issue. Documentary evidence and written statements could be relied upon, so long as the respondent was given access to them in advance, and allowed to respond to them at the conference. Respondents would also be allowed to call relevant witnesses.

The vice president of student services or designee may impose institutional sanctions based on presented evidence in the absence of the respondent. This type of disciplinary action may be imposed for offenses that may result in penalties less than suspension or expulsion.