Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

Registration and Enrollment

Auditing Courses

An audit designation must be specified at the time of registration. No credit will be given. Audit status can only be converted to credit status and credit status can only be converted to audit status during the first twenty percent of scheduled meeting dates of a section. Students may convert their status only once during that period. Audited courses do not count as part of the academic term’s credit hour load nor as credit towards graduation. Audited courses will appear on the transcript with a grade of "N." Students must meet course prerequisites to audit; audited courses do not satisfy prerequisites for another course.


CustomClass is an enrollment option that allows students to enroll in credit classes without having been admitted as credit students or meeting the normal prerequisites. CustomClass students select this option at the time of registration and cannot later change to credit or audit status. They will be exposed to the material and instruction in a credit course but will not receive grades or transcripts for the course. Some courses may be eligible for CEUs (continuing education units) or certifications from the Continuing Education Division. Students may take up to 9 credits of CustomClasses per term. For more information, call 443-518-4659, or visit CustomClass.

Cancellation of Courses

Howard Community College builds its schedule of courses based on enrollment trends and community needs. The college may cancel any course at its sole discretion. Sometimes courses are canceled due to insufficient enrollment. Early registration and payment helps ensure that a course will run. If a student is affected by a course cancellation, the student will receive a notification in his or her HCC e-mail.


One semester hour of credit is generally assigned for each lecture period or laboratory session. Lecture periods are 52 minutes and laboratory sessions are two to three hours in length per credit.

Academic Schedule (Full-Time/Part-Time)

A full-time student schedule for either the fall semester or the spring semester of the winter/spring term generally consists of 12 to 18 credit hours. A student registered for fewer than 12 credit hours is classified as part-time. A schedule in excess of 18 credit hours must be approved by an academic advisor. Except in extraordinary circumstances, such approval will not extend beyond a load of 21 credit hours and will be based on a student’s demonstrated ability to be successful with a full load of 18 (non-audit) credit hours. During the summer term, a student may take no more than 16 credit hours; a student must take 12 credit hours to be considered full-time. During the winter intersession, a student may take no more than eight credit hours; six credit hours is considered full-time.

Students enrolled in certain allied health programs with a schedule of fewer than 12 credit hours, during the clinical phase, may be considered full-time from a program perspective. 

For financial aid purposes, a student must enroll in 12 aid-eligible credit hours to be considered full-time, and only coursework required for the student's declared area of study is included in the student's financial aid enrollment status. Total developmental coursework in excess of 30 attempted credit hours is not aid-eligible. More than one repeat of a previously passed course is not aid-eligible credit hours. For financial aid purposes, enrollments during the winter term are included as a part of the spring semester enrollment status.

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) calculates enrollment status based on the amount of credits a student is enrolled in during a period of weeks during a term. Only coursework required for the student’s declared area of study is included in the student’s VA enrollment status. Students using VA education benefits must work with a school certifying official in the records, registration, and veterans’ affairs office to determine their enrollment status and impact on education benefits.

Late Credit Registration

Once the term has begun, registration will only be permitted in sections that have available seats.

For 15 week classes, students may register for classes that have available seats through the close of business on the fifth business day of a term, excluding Saturday and Sunday. After that, the department chair, associate dean, or dean may grant permission for late entry via the late exception request process or a credit section override form. Late exceptions may be made if there are extenuating circumstances, and the request must come from the registrar to the appropriate academic dean. Dual enrollment requests for late exceptions are reviewed by the admissions and advising director and then forwarded to the appropriate academic dean.

For classes that meet less than 15 weeks, registration is permitted in sections that have not met for the second time. Registration is permitted in online sections that meet less than 15 weeks until close of business the second business day of the section; after that, late exception request rules apply.

Students who want to register for noncredit classes after sections have begun should contact the division of continuing education and workforce development.