Student Organizations

Club Policies and Procedures

Institute for Health Care Improvement Open School Chapter

The purpose of the MGH Institute chapter of the IHI Open School is to foster dynamic interprofessional collaboration to empower students to proactively improve the quality of health care. As a member, you will have opportunities to learn about health care quality improvement science through IHI courses and chapter events, build an interprofessional network and grow your collaborative skills through service learning and social activities, and participate in or develop Quality Improvement (QI) research initiatives with other members of the IHI Open School team.

Journal Club

Nursing students and faculty are invited to join the Nursing Journal Club. Topics of discussion include student-faculty pairings for presenting articles, scheduling monthly club meetings, and outreach. Benefits of joining the Journal Club include staying current on vital new research, learning to be a critical consumer of research, and practicing presentation and discussion-leading skills in front of peers. The Journal Club is also be a great opportunity to foster meaningful connections between nursing students and faculty, meet new people, and practice critical thinking skills.

Spanish Club

The Spanish Club provides a venue for Spanish-speaking students to practice and improve their Spanish language skills. In addition, the club will explore cultural and linguistic topics of interest to members. By maintaining and strengthening Spanish language skills, students are better able to communicate with Spanish-speaking clients and their families in a variety of clinical settings.

Student Government Association

The purpose of the Student Government Association (SGA) is to represent and serve the needs and interests of the members of the student body and oversee student clubs . The SGA consists of an executive board and representatives from each class. Contact the SGA at

The SGA has a set budget every academic year to help fund class social events, student conference fees, student clubs, and interdisciplinary events.  To request funding assistance, please complete a Request for SGA Funding Form and submit to the SGA Treasurer for approval at


Crossroads welcomes students of all denominations to join us for spiritual encouragement, prayer and fellowship with other IHP students, staff and faculty members, and alumni who seek to follow Christ. The group meets regularly throughout the academic year to explore and study issues of faith, calling, spirituality and service in health care.

IHP Musicians

The IHP Musicians was founded in 2012 to enrich patients’ experiences and quality of life during recovery through musical entertainment, enhance students’ clinical and professional development and to promote interdisciplinary skills. The club is comprised of members from all IHP programs and performs a variety of musical genres with solo, duet and group performances. The club can be contacted at


Formed in 2005, this club provides a forum for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer-identified students and allies. The club is open to any student who has an interest in LGBTQ-related health. Each academic year, the club invites speakers to address LGBTQ health-related issues. The club also gives presentations on LGBTQ issues for the IHP community. The club is active and has regular meetings and social events. 

Mindfulness Stress Reduction Group

The purpose of the organization is to reduce stress through evidence based techniques including mindfulness, meditation and cognitive re-framing.  The club provides an atmosphere where students can practice techniques and explore related topics through journal articles.

National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA)

NSSLHA is a nonprofit organization for graduate and undergraduate students interested in the study of human communication and related disabilities (Speech-Language Pathology). Graduate students in the Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) Program have an active NSSLHA chapter.

Along with participating in community service projects, the group is active in fundraising in order to reduce the cost for students attending the annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention.

The annual ASHA Convention provides a place for professionals and students involved in speech-language pathology and related fields to present research, listen to speakers, and learn about new remediation techniques. By attending the convention, NSSLHA members gain more knowledge about communication disorders, and observe the leaders of our field.

Nursing Students for Sexual and Reproductive Justice

Nursing Students for Sexual and Reproductive Justice (NSSRJ) is dedicated to advancing and securing reproductive health and justice for all. Recognizing that nurses are frontline health care practitioners, patient advocates, and community health educators, NSSRJ fulfills its mission by (i) advocating for substantially increased reproductive health and abortion training for nurses; (ii) organizing a nationwide network of nursing student activists; (iii) supporting the leadership of nursing students and all nurses in the reproductive justice movement; (iv) collaborating across the nursing profession and with other health care providers to maximize resources and expertise; and (v) creating a new generation of reproductive health and abortion provider nurses. We are affiliated with the national chapter of Nursing Students for Choice (NSFC).


The NSSRJ can be reached at


Offering a multi-cultural experience at the MGH Institute of Health Professions, OHANA* provides students of all backgrounds an opportunity to learn about and experience the diversity amongst their peers, as well as make lasting relationships with different students across the healthcare professions.  

OHANA facilitates dialogue about multicultural issues and provides students with an outlet to openly discuss cultural concerns within the IHP community. Members will be able to heighten their knowledge through participation in events focused on the academic, professional, social and cultural development within the MGH Institute and surrounding community. OHANA welcomes all students.  

*OHANA From Wikipedia: “Ohana means family, family means no-one gets left behind or forgotten. Part of Hawaiian culture, ohana means family in an extended sense of the term including blood-related, adoptive or intentional.”


The OHANA club can be contacted at

Physical Therapy Club

The purpose of the Physical Therapy Club is to increase awareness of the physical therapy profession to the general public. In addition the club will seek to improve involvement of MGH Institute students in the APTA.

Possible ways to become involved are through the Marquette Challenge and attending the Student Conclave. Also, students may get involved by providing health screening, information sessions, community lectures, mentoring, student forums and other community outreach. The club will also mentor new entry-level DPT students.

Student Emergency Response Club

Founded in 2012, the Student Emergency Response Team supplements relief efforts when an emergency or natural disaster occurs.  The club collects necessary supplies and delivers and in some case travels to sites to aid in clean-up, supply distribution or any other needed areas.