CSD Thesis Manual » Steps in the Thesis Process
CSD Thesis Manual
1. Desire to Conduct Research
2. Enroll in Research Preparation Courses
3. Speak with Academic Advisor(s)
4. Find a Thesis Topic and a Thesis Advisor
5. Enroll in CD-895 Research Proposal and Meet Repeatedly with Thesis Advisor to Develop the Project (Summer)
6. Select Additional Committee Members
7. Finalize the Thesis Prospectus/Proposal
8. Schedule the Prospectus Meeting (Later Summer or Early Fall)
9. Submit Documents to an Institutional Review Board (IRB)
10. Enroll in CD-896: Thesis Research I (Fall or Spring of Year 2)
11. Enroll in CD-897: Thesis Research II (Spring or Summer of Year 2)
12. Prepare the Thesis Manuscript
13. Oral Presentation (Thesis Defense) (Summer)
14. Thesis Completion Tasks and Final Requirements for Graduation