Status of Admitted Students

Full Admission

Students who meet all admission criteria are granted full admission status. If the grade point average of a fully admitted student falls below 3.0, the student will be placed on academic probation. The student will be notified in writing and given the maximum of four graded courses (not P/N) or nine semester hours, whichever comes first, taken at NLU to raise his or her grade point average to 3.0. These courses may not be workshops, independent studies, transfer credits or internships/practicum, except when taken by veterans receiving benefits.

Admitted with Four-Course Review Status

Students who do not meet admission criteria, but show potential for successful graduate work, may be admitted with four-course review status. Applicants to Certificate of Advanced Study or Educational Specialist degree programs are not eligible for four-course review admission status. For Elementary Education and Secondary Education, GPAs below 2.5 will not be accepted for four-course review admission status.

A student admitted with four-course review status must maintain a 3.0 in either the first four graded courses or nine semester hours taken after admission, whichever comes first. These courses must be part of the degree requirements. These courses may not be professional development courses, workshops, transfer credits, independent studies, or internships/practicum, except when taken by veterans receiving benefits.

If the student has a minimum 3.0 GPA by the end of the review period, he or she will gain good academic standing. If the student’s GPA falls below 3.0 at the end of the review period, he or she will be dropped from the graduate school. Students admitted with four-course review status may not register for courses until they have met with an academic advisor.