Course Descriptions
Numbering System
100–299 Lower level undergraduate courses
Course with these numbers are for undergraduate students (mainly freshman and sophomores). They carry no graduate credit, although graduate students may be admitted to such courses in order to make up prerequisites or to gain a foundation for advanced courses.
300–399 Advanced undergraduate courses
Courses with these numbers are for advanced undergraduate students (juniors and seniors). They constitute the advanced portion of an undergraduate program leading to a baccalaureate degree.
400–499 Advanced undergraduate
Courses with these numbers are for advanced undergraduate students. They constitute the advanced portion of an undergraduate program leading to a baccalaureate degree. A 400 level course may be taken for undergraduate credit or for graduate credit, upon approval for the student’s departmental advisor and the department offering the course.
500–599 Master’s level courses
600–699 Doctoral level courses
Special Numbers
490/594/694 Independent Study
Independent study provides students in degree or certificate programs an opportunity to pursue advanced scholarly study in special areas where they seek further information or to investigate a practical problem in their area of professional interest. Special forms are required for registration.
495/595/695 Special Topic
Special topic courses are developed to meet emerging learning needs. The specific topic is indicated on the transcript. There may be a limit on the number of special topic courses that can apply to a degree and each topic may be taken only once.
499/593/693 Seminar
Seminars include library research, discussions with peers and instructors and field work in a selected area of interest.
581-589 Workshop
A workshop is intended to provide students with direct and focused experiences on specific topics, materials or approaches. For NCE graduate students, a maximum of 6 semester hours of workshop credit may be applied toward a degree. The appropriateness of acceptability of workshops for degree credit should be determined in consultation with the student's advisor.
599 Thesis
A thesis is a formal written document which investigates a theory or particular point of view and which is the result of disciplined inquiry.
699 Dissertation
Dissertations are required of all doctoral students. Students should consult their handbooks for detailed instructions.
Course Prefix Key