
COM 104 Connected World

Students will evaluate the impact of mass communication in a global society from a social and cultural aspect. Throughout the course, students will utilize communication technologies and understand personal and professional virtual spaces as places to develop, foster, maintain connections and engage with others. The interrelationship between various forms of communications including digital, interpersonal, professional, verbal, and visual will be explored and discussed. Students will analyze the legal aspects of ethical communication, evaluate the history, interpret theory, critique media and apply communication technologies to practice. This curriculum develops students’ communication competencies and builds essential skills for virtual and face-to-face interactions. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better or equivalent as determined by advisor Co-requisite(s): None 5 QH


COM 105 Writing in a Digital Age

Students will build foundational skills as writers in a global, digital society. The curriculum is grounded in practical experience and the everyday communication necessary for entry-level positions in Public Relations, Project Management and Journalism. Students will learn to effectively write letters, emails, proposals, news releases, Powerpoints, and standard communications that occur in almost every career field. Students will gather and analyze information in current media and examine legal and ethical issues in writing. At the end of this class students will know how to frame, create and deliver innovative content across multiple media formats. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better or equivalent as determined by advisor, and COM 104. Co-requisite(s): None 5 QH


COM 106 The Influence of Culture on Communication

This course provides a framework from which students can discover how culture, cultural identity and societal patterns are related to communications practices. Students will learn the role of cultural patterns and coding in interpersonal relationships. Students will develop the critical tools to consider the process, role and application of communication in a contemporary, intercultural society. Students will evaluate various forms of diversity in relation to mass communications and analyze strategies for workplace communication. Students will explore, understand and effectively apply various messages of media criticism through reading, watching, writing and debating a wide range of intercultural communication. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better or equivalent as determined by advisor and COM 104 and COM 105 or permission of academic advisor Co-requisite(s): None 5 QH


COM 200 The Influence of Culture on Communication

This course provides a framework from which students can discover how culture, cultural identity, and societal patterns are related to communication practices. Students learn the role of cultural patterns and coding in interpersonal relationships. Students further develop the critical tools to consider the process, role, and application of communication in a diverse society. They evaluate diversity in mass communication, analyze strategies for workplace communication, and explore and critique various media messages through reading, viewing, and discussion. Pre-requisite(s): COM 104 and COM 105; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


COM 204 Multigenerational Workforce Communication

Students will work in small groups and teams that span across multiple generations. Students will examine potential issues that generational differences, diversity, and relational trust may play in the workplace. Students will learn effective time and project management skills while practicing multi-generational team-building activities. Today’s workforce arguably includes the four following (soon-to-be five) different generations: Veterans (born before 1946), Baby Boomers (1946-1964), Generation X (1965-1979), and Millennials (1980-2000). Course curriculum will evaluate the mode and the message in various communications strategies. Theory of group communications will be examined and applied while creating effective teams inside and outside of the classroom. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better of equivalent as determined by advisor and COM 104 and COM 105 or permission of academic advisor. Co-requisite(s): None 5 SQH


COM 205 Social Media Networking

This course will examine social media with a focus on how digital media technology plays a significant role on the construction of social identities, interpersonal, organizational relationships and societal trending. Students will explore the shared ideological principles between social media platforms and usage. Students will examine the commercial and professional use of social media technology and how it enables the formation of digital communities. Students will engage in active debates on ethical problems posed by emerging social media technologies. The course will require students to communicate through social media and to construct a digital presence that positions them for success. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better or equivalent as determined by advisor and COM 104 COM 105 or permission of academic advisor. Co-requisite(s): None 5 QH


COM 206 Professional Communication: Writing, Speaking and Creating for Success

This course is designed to enhance students’ professional and interpersonal communication skills by exploring how to influence others using a variety of rhetorical strategies. Students will develop skills to transform messages into effective oral, written, digital and relevant visual communication. Strategies for conflict resolution will be practiced throughout the course. Students will produce effective presentations using principles of communication and utilizing technology during group and individual projects. Students assess digital literacy and create presentations using appropriate web-based tools. Students will construct the skills needed to succeed at delivering visual, digital, written and oral presentations in the workplace. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better or equivalent as determined by advisor and COM 104 and COM 105 or permission of advisor. Co-requisite(s): None 5 QH


COM 207 Contemporary Media Communications

This course is an introduction to media and communications themes over the past century. Students will examine the influence that media have on attitudes, trends, and society’s perception of various forms of diversity. Students will research how forms of media impact ethics, patterns in business, social, and political communication across different communities. Students will examine living in the age of media and how the communications landscape has changed society and how individual communication styles evolve. Students will apply this knowledge and examine their own personal communications style through multiple media forms to identify possibilities for personal and professional growth. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better or equivalent as determined by advisor and COM 104 and COM 105 or permission of academic advisor. Co-requisite(s): None 5 QH


COM 304 The Art of Persuasion

Students will be introduced to the pervasiveness of persuasion in its various formats through history, such as advertising campaigns, political campaigns, professional and personal communications. Students will examine the ethical considerations of persuasion in various delivery methods. Students will debate the effects of persuasion in a diversity of contexts and explore whether the persuasion is straightforward, subliminal or covert. Students will discuss and debate how individuals and communities process persuasive messages and inventory current technologies that convey these messages. Participants will develop an appreciation of differences unlocking many avenues for expansion of brands and messages through various communication methods. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better or equivalent as determined by advisor and COM 104 and COM 105 or permission of academic advisor. Co-requisite(s): None 5 quarter hours


COM 305 Speak Up

This course prepares students to overcome the number one fear in America--public speaking. Students will learn about verbal and non-verbal messages, cultural conventions and vocabulary, and ethical guidelines for delivering messages. Students will evaluate the effectiveness of speaking strategies by presenting speeches and evaluating their peers. Students will compose practice-based recordings to develop cadence, confidence building and organizational skills for speech creation and delivery. The curriculum will introduce students to the various types of speeches and aims to reduce the anxiety of students when speaking publically by providing various techniques, delivery aides and hands-on practice. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better or equivalent as determined by advisor and COM 104 and COM 105 or permission of academic advisor. Co-requisite(s): None 5 QH


COM 306 Organizational Communication and Conflict Management

Students will learn various communication processes in organizational structures that drive cooperation, success and failure of modern business. Students will explore the aspects of effective communications within organizations and analyze the interpersonal and cultural elements that give rise to potential conflict. Students will learn about the positive effects of conflict and how to manage the counterproductive aspects. Students will analyze organizational communication theory and appraise the ethical consideration necessary for success. Students will evaluate the increasing pervasiveness of technology and its role in shaping communications in the global marketplace. Students will identify the elements of a supportive organizational communications climate. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better or equivalent as determined by advisor and COM 104 and COM 105 or permission of academic advisor. Co-requisite(s): None 5 QH


COM 404 Legal and Ethical Communications

This course explores the ethics, laws and issues that affect the media and various communications professions. Students will discuss many repetitive elements of ethical conduct in organizations and learn about laws and violations in a multimedia world along with court decisions and sources of laws. Students learn about the interrelated principles of professional communications and the code of ethics, First Amendment and Freedom of Speech, intellectual property rights, copyright and ethical obligations. Students will examine Supreme Court decisions and copyright law for communications and explain theoretical issues that pertain to PR and social media in a global environment. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better or equivalent as determined by advisor and COM 104 and COM 105 or permission of academic advisor. Co-requisite(s): None 5 QH


COM 405 Innovation from the Inside

This course will encourage students to develop their potential to improve, enhance and transform their own public identities, businesses, communities and personal lives. Students will learn to be adaptive, innovative, problem-solvers and how to utilize creative skills for any career in communications. Students will be exposed to various building blocks of innovation, pattern breaking, teaming, risk-taking, cooperative communications and paradigm shifts. This curriculum will build skills that help students learn to adjust to meet the changing needs of the industry. Students will work in teams to solve a real-world problem through innovation and change management. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better or equivalent as determined by advisor and COM 104 and COM 105 or permission of academic advisor. Co-requisite(s): None 5 QH


COM 406 Public Relations for the 21st Century

Students in this course will learn the functions of public relations (PR) in a globally networked society and define theoretical frameworks. Students will develop common skills for PR professionals including employee communication and ethical conduct in an organization. Students will evaluate how technology and social media impact how to build and sustain relationships within and beyond an organization. Students will research the current issues of risk assessment and crisis management. Students will construct a strategic roadmap for success by understanding common trends and work collaboratively to devise and critique a custom PR campaign that would be successful in today’s society. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better or equivalent as determined by advisor and COM 104 and COM 105 or permission of academic advisor. Co-requisite(s): None 5 QH


COM 407 Modern Advertising

Students will examine the lasting effects of advertising as a social and cultural force that defines consumerism in America. Students will research integrated marketing strategies and advertising theories and apply them to various product campaigns. Students will examine the different mediums for advertising and various campaigns from recent years. Market research strategies will be introduced and students will conduct basic market research and apply statistical analysis for recommendations. Students will experiment with creating a branding message and delivering it to a targeted audience while considering integrations across platforms. Students will discuss the ethical and legal aspects that apply to advertising. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better or equivalent as determined by advisor and COM 104 and COM 105 or permission of academic advisor. Co-requisite(s): None 5 QH


COM 485A WS/Sell Me

This 6-hour, in-person workshop will identify the different components that go into developing an advertising campaign proposal for a real, modern-day client. The elements of an actual advertising pitch will be discussed and explained including defining target audience, advertising strategies, traditional and social media usage and message development. Elements of successful public speaking and persuasion skills will be utilized as students work in teams to construct competing campaigns that will be prepared, presented and then debated and evaluated. A pre-assignment and post- assignment will be included. Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None 1 QH


COM 485B WS/You Want it When

This 6-hour, in-person workshop allows students to sample a range of hands-on, exciting communications activities that are modeled from current Public Relations (PR) scenarios. Students will work in tight deadlines to produce press releases and other artifacts that will be critiqued onsite. Through case studies and real-time practitioner samples, students examine contemporary successful public relations programs and campaigns to discover how practitioners function and utilize ethical behaviors within a variety of organizations. In addition, PR in a variety of functions will be explored including community relations, political campaigns, crisis-management and media relations. A pre-assignment and post-assignment will be included. Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None 1 QH


COM 485C WS/Go Beyond

This 6-hour, in-person workshop allows students to sample a range of hands-on communications activities. Exploration of current innovative models and methods that have proven successful in the communications industry will supply students with new skills to take into their professional lives. For example, students will utilize improvisation techniques to encourage workplace innovation and creativity as a team, as a leader and as an individual. Students build skills and confidence to lead an innovative process within an organizational context. Students will leave with a range of techniques and strategies to drive them to innovation. A pre-assignment and post-assignment will be included. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None 1 QH


COM 485D WS/Effective Delivery

This 6-hour, in-person workshop allows students to sample a range of hands-on communication activities to enhance knowledge, expertise and application. Students will quickly improve their basic writing, debate and speaking skills by competing against peers in a healthy mock debate. Students will collect and organize ideas, evaluate evidence, speak convincingly and identify logical connections that make an argument convincing. This course will guide students to approach issues from various points of view and to present with a coherent flow of information. Activities are designed to help students improve confidence when delivering a presentation. A pre-assignment and post-assignment will be included. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1 QH


COM 496 Senior Portfolio Capstone

The course is designed to prepare students to make the transition from theory to practice, helping students to prepare portfolios and "look books" that can be used when interviewing and showcase all of the program accomplishments and skills mastered through tangible examples. Students will have to gather and analyze data from their course deliverables, document sources, present work accomplished and accolades earned in a single digital resource that will serve as an invaluable tool to advance any career. This is the culminating course of the B.A. Applied Communications program. Prerequisite(s): Completion of entire Bachelor of Arts in Applied Communications program: COM 104, COM 105,COM 106, COM 204, COM 205, COM 305, COM 306, COM 404, COM 405, COM 406, COM 407, COM 485A, COM 485B, COM 485C, COM 485C, and COM 485D. Co-requisite(s): None. 1 QH


COM 499 Capstone in Applied Communications

This is the capstone course in the Applied Communications major, designed to prepare students to make the transition from classroom to professional practice. Students gather and analyze work from their prior courses, curate their best projects and deliverables into a tangible and consistent body of work that fully represents their best set of skills, and compile their achievements in a digital portfolio. Additionally, they integrate their portfolio with other career artifacts and career management strategies, such as résumé, online presence, professional social networking, professional memberships, and long-term career planning. Pre-requisite(s): COM 200, COM 204, COM 205, COM 206, COM 207, COM 306, COM 404, COM 405, COM 406, and MKT 300; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours